The first games of the 55th National Series, classic baseball in Cuba, concludes today with matches to be played from the center to the east of the Island.... More

Abuja, September 1 (RHC)-- Takfiri Boko Haram militants continue their attacks in northeast Nigeria, with four people killed in a raid on the village of Karnuwa. Another attack was reported in the village of Hambagda, where terrorists killed seven people and injured five others. ... More

Vienna, September 1 (RHC)-- Tens of thousands of protesters have taken part in a massive rally in Austria’s capital Vienna against the abuse of asylum seekers and the European Union's failure in tackling the persisting refugee crisis. ... More

New York, September 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations Rafael Ramirez said his country's presence in the Security Council represents an opportunity to “make heard the voice of developing countries, the countries of the South” at the most powerful body of the worldwide organization.... More

Washington, September 1 (RHC)-- The United States has deployed two surveillance drones to Eastern Europe, where military exercises are being held in the face of what the U.S. and its allies call a possible Russian “aggression” amid a conflict in Ukraine. ... More

Baghdad, September 1 (RHC)-- The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has released a video purportedly showing four Iraqi Shia soldiers being burned alive. The Monday video, allegedly shot in western Anbar province by ISIL media arm, first shows four members of Iraq’s popular mobilization forces in orange jumpsuits individually confessing that they are spies. The men are then hung hogtied, upside down from the pole of a scaffold like a metal swing frame. ... More

Anchorage, September 1 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has challenged world leaders to act urgently on climate change or "condemn our children to a world they will no longer have the capacity to repair."... More

Baghdad, September 1 (RHC)-- In Iraq, nonviolent civil resistance is growing as a campaign of weekly protests enters its second month. Tens of thousands of protesters in Baghdad have called for improvements to the country’s electrical system amid a sweltering heat wave, trials for corrupt officials and the enactment of anti-corruption reforms. ... More

Washington, September 1 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department has posted thousands of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails online as part of a court-ordered disclosure process following revelations Clinton used a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state.... More

Vatican City, September 1 (RHC)-- The Vatican has announced Pope Francis will allow Roman Catholic priests during the upcoming holy year to absolve women who have had an abortion. ... More

San Juan, September 1 (RHC)-- Puerto Rico’s top religious leaders are calling on the Federal Reserve to restructure the territory’s $72 billion debt in order to avoid dramatic austerity measures. ... More

Kansas City, September 1 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Kansas, white supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller has been convicted of capital murder for killing three people at a Jewish community center and assisted living facility in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park last year. ... More

Washington, September 1 (RHC)-- Republican presidential pre-candidate Scott Walker, a staunch advocate of securing the southern border of the U.S. with Mexico, says building a northern wall on the U.S. border with Canada is a “legitimate” idea. ... More

London, September 1 (RHC)-- The United Nations is set to launch an inquiry into whether the UK government’s welfare cuts led to rights abuses and death of more than 2,000 disabled Britons. ... More

Buenos Aires, September 1 (RHC)-- The headquarters of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo once again became a place of joy and celebration on Monday as the iconic human rights group announced that yet another child who was snatched from their parents during the country’s military dictatorship had been identified, according to Buenos Aires Herald.... More
