Ramadi, August 26 (RHC)-- A suspected Daesh militant has rammed a car bomb into a military convoy near the western Iraqi city of Ramadi, killing over a dozen government troops and allied volunteer fighters. ... More

Caracas, August 26 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan Foreign Ministry Delcy Rodriguez met with her Colombian counterpart Maria Angela Holguin on Wednesday to discuss the ongoing crisis at the border between both countries. The meeting took place in Colombia.... More

Paris, August 26 (RHC)-- Three people, including a baby, have been killed and four others seriously injured in a shootout at a Roma camp in northern France. The shooting occurred on Tuesday at around 16:30 p.m. local time in Roye Commune, Roye, about 110 kilometers north of Paris, in the Somme Department. ... More

Damascus, August 26 (RHC)-- Takfiri terrorists’ media arm in the central Syrian province of Homs released on Tuesday some images depicting the destruction of the 2,000-year-old Baal Shamin temple in the historic Syrian city of Palmyra. The series of photos shows Daesh group members placing barrels and small containers of explosive in and around the temple. ... More

Brussels, August 26 (RHC)-- U.S. Air Force officials say the United States will soon deploy F-22 fighter jets to Europe, a move that military analysts see as a signal to Russia amid growing tensions between the two countries. The F-22 fighter jet is considered the most sophisticated plane in the world. ... More

Washington, August 26 (RHC)-- The Pentagon says the United States and Turkey have finalized details of a plan to include Turkey in the U.S.-led coalition battling the self-proclaimed Islamic State. ... More

Washington, August 26 (RHC)-- The Black Lives Matter movement in the United States held protests in at least 14 cities Tuesday to draw attention to what organizers are calling the national crisis of violence against trans-gender women. ... More

United Nations, August 26 (RHC)-- The United Nations has warned of the increasing number of children killed in the Yemeni conflict, saying those who survive will form “a lost generation” as a result of the traumatic experiences of the crisis. ... More

London, August 26 (RHC)-- The United Nations special rapporteur on privacy has slammed Britain’s surveillance situation, saying it is even worse than what author George Orwell imagined in his novel 1984.... More

Washington, August 26 (RHC)-- The U.S. Justice Department has sharply rebuked Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey and his lawyers for seeking to have federal corruption charges against the Democrat dismissed. ... More

Havana, August 26 (Pl-RHC), -- The experience of Cuban doctors is cardinal in Brazil, said the representative of the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization, Joaquin Molina, in statements to Cuban television.... More

Havana, August 26 (RHC) Private entrepreneurs or self-employed workers in Cuba are benefiting from new bank services launched on Monday, as the private sector experiences a boom, prompted by the government’s partial deregulation of economic policies in recent years.... More

Havana, August 26 (RHC)-- The quality of the works underway at Havana's Revolution Square for the visit of Pope Francis to Cuba is excellent, said Monsignor Rodolfo Loiz, who is in charge of preparing the trip of the Holy Father to Cuba, scheduled for September 19-22.... More

Havana, August 26 (HC)-- Cuba will expose its most significant achievements in the area of sexual health and education during the 7th Cuban Congress on those subjects to take place September 14th to the 18th at Havana's International Convention Center.... More

Quito, August 26 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa has inaugurated three new health centers in the province of Cotopaxi, which are destined to serve more than 55,000 people.... More
