London, Aguust 25 (RHC)-- A petition in the UK calling for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his planned September visit to Britain is gaining further momentum. The number of petitioners calling for Netanyahu’s arrest has now almost reached the 80,000 mark. The petition was launched earlier this month and was posted on the government's website. ... More

Seattle, August 25 (RHC)-- In news from the U.S. state of Washington, officials say the wildfires burning across more than a quarter of a million acres in central Washington are now the largest in the state’s history. More than 1,000 firefighters and 700 National Guardsmen are battling the blazes. ... More

Washington, August 25 (RHC)-- The wildfires in Washington come as a new study links climate change to drier conditions that are helping fuel increasingly strong wildfires across the Pacific Northwest. ... More

Havana, August 25 (RHC)-- Cuba's 2015-2016 school year opens next Tuesday, September 1st with a registration of 1 million 792 thousand 600 students who will be guaranteed the necessary resources for their studies.... More

Havana, August 25 (RHC)-- Some 900 thousand citizens in eastern Cuba will benefit from a World Food Program´s country strategy aimed at reinforcing social and local protection systems focusing on food security.... More

Port-au-Prince, August 25 (RHC)-- A group of 23 Haitian youths will soon travel to Cuba to take medicine, engineering, economy and other higher education courses as part of permanent Cuban collaboration with that sister Caribbean nation.... More

Havana, August 25 (RHC)-- Cuban and Belgian entrepreneurs will meet on Thursday, August 27th in Havana to explore opportunities to diversify bilateral commercial exchange in sectors such as construction, telecommunications and the pharmaceutical industry.... More

Guatemala City, August 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Three more ministers from Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina's cabinet resigned on Monday, including the country's finance minister, amid an ongoing corruption scandal that appears to reach the highest levels of office.... More

Buenos Aires, August 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Argentina's socialist ruling party Front for Victory (FPV) scored another massive electoral victory in Tucuman that angered the opposition, which resorted to violence for a second day in a row on Monday, in events that included theft and torching ballot boxes, and attacking police. About 20 people were reportedly injured.... More

Bogotá, August 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), has concluded a four-day visit to Colombia Monday and spoke with optimism that the ongoing peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) would reach a successful conclusion. ... More

San Salvador, August 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Fourteen gang members were killed in a Salvadoran jail over the weekend raising the country's murder toll to more than 3,900 and making it the country with the highest murder rate in the world.... More

Mexico City, August 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A professor from the University of Veracruz, in the Gulf of Mexico, was found dead in his apartment in the port city of Coatzacoalcos, authorities reported on Monday. ... More

Puerto Príncipe, 25 agosto (RHC)- Veintitrés nuevos becarios de Haití llegan hoy a Cuba para cursar estudios en medicina, ingeniería, economía, entre otras carreras universitarias.... More

Moscow, August 24 (RHC)-- Cuba's ambassador in Moscow, Emilio Lozada, has met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Seguei Riabnov and assessed the progress of bilateral relations, particularly in the areas of economic and commercial trade.... More

Tehran, August 24 (RHC)-- Iranian news media executives in Tehran expressed their willingness to strengthen ties of cooperation with Cuba in order to articulate new ways to counter Western campaigns against both countries.... More
