Mexico City, August 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A police investigation revealed that an employee of private television station Televisa, together with politicians, was involved in an elaborate scheme to harass critical media outlets, the Mexican digital news outlet SinEmbargo revealed Monday.... More

San Salvador, August 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A bodyguard that worked for the right-wing Arena party was arrested on Sunday alongside four gang members in El Salvador. The bodyguard, identified as Alberto Romero, was detained in the department of San Vicente.... More

Guatemala City, August 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Guatemalans responded to President Otto Perez Molina's refusal to step down on Sunday by taking to social media and declaring they don't have a president.... More

Quito, August 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A $800 million cut to Ecuador’s national budget will not touch government social programs or decentralized governments, according to Finance Minister Fausto Herrera.... More

Quito, August 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Authorities in Ecuador reported the Cotopaxi volcano erupted once again, spewing clouds of ash and steam over the surrounding areas.... More

Lima, August 24 (ANDINA-RHC)-- The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) representative Sheila Gruden has praised Peruvian leadership for Peru's school feeding scheme which incorporates native products, thus boosting nutritious food consumption in the country.... More

The film Fátima or Fraternity Square is being screened in Havana Movie Theaters, featuring the fiction story of Fátima, the Queen of the Night... More

Lisbon, Aug 22, (RHC), – The Municipal Assembly of Palmela, in the Portuguese district of Setúbal, passed a resolution calling for the immediate lifting of the US economic blockade of Cuba.... More

WHO, PAHO Congratulate Cuba

Havana, Aug 22, (RHC), -- Cuba's work in the prevention and control of dengue was extolled by the Head of the PAHO/WHO Neglected, Tropical and Vector-born Diseases Unit, Gerardo Castellanos.... More

Caracas, Aug 22, (RHC), – On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared a 60-day State of Exception for the Venezuelan municipalities of Bolivar, Ureña, Junin, Libertad and Independencia in Tachira state. ... More

Tokyo, Aug 21 (RHC-EFE).- Japanese travel agencies are increasing travel offers to Cuba following an increase in demand.... More

Athens, August 22 (RHC)-- More than 20 hardliners have pulled out of Greece’s ruling leftist Syriza party in an attempt to form what will be the third largest group in the parliament ahead of the country’s snap elections.... More

Monrovia, Aug 21, (RHC), -- Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Thursday underscored Cuba’s cooperation with her country in several areas, saying that the relationship between Liberia and Cuba has become stronger.... More

The heads of the Guatemalan chamber of commerce CACIF demanded the resignation of President, Otto Perez Molina, on Friday, during a press conference. ... More

Skopje, August 22 (RHC)-- In news from Europe, Macedonia has declared a state of emergency and sealed its southern border with Greece after more than 40,000 migrants have flooded into the country over the last two months.... More
