Istanbul, July 23 (RHC)-- In Turkey, the government has announced new plans to tighten security along its border with Syria, two days after a suicide bomb killed more than 30 youth activists in the Turkish city of Suruc. ... More

Berlin, July 23 (RHC)-- Germany has called on the United States to provide answers over the latest revelation concerning the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) spying on German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. ... More

Ramallah, July 23 (RHC)-- Israeli authorities have refrained from providing medical check-up and healthcare for three prisoners, two Palestinians and a Jordanian, on hunger strike in the regime’s jails, a senior Palestinian official says. ... More

Washington, July 23 (RHC)-- A grand jury in the Unites States has indicted accused Charleston shooter Dylann Roof on federal hate crime charges for massacring nine African Americans inside the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in June. ... More

New York, July 23 (RHC)-- In a major victory for low-wage workers, New York state has cleared the way to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for the state’s 200,000 fast-food workers. ... More

Oslo, July 23 (RHC)-- Norwegians have commemorated those who were killed in anti-Islam lone-wolf terrorist attacks that hit Oslo and Utoya in 2011. The Norwegian government also set up a controversial exhibition about the tragedy, putting on display several items used by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik on the ground floor of the same building where he started his rampage in the capital Oslo on Wednesday. ... More

Los Angeles, July 23 (RHC)-- In related news, the University of California also announced Wednesday that it too would be raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next three years. ... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) -- Representatives of the Colombian government and the FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, are holding talks today in Havana as a new round of talks gets underway.... More

Kabul, July 23 (RHC) -- One of the top commanders of the Taliban in Afghanistan as been killed in the southern province of Helmand, the former stronghold of the rebel group in the Central Asian country. ... More

Caracas, July 23 (RHC) --- The president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, says that right-wing sectors continue taking actions to overthrow the legitimately-elected government of President Nicolas Maduro -- this time with a broad campaign through the social networks that promotes destabilization.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Cuba's Banco Internacional de Comercio (BICSA) and the U.S. Stonegate, based in Florida, signed an accord to set up a correspondent account, banking authorities confirmed in Havana.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Mexico's Sugar Experts Association, ATAM, and its Cuban counterpart ATAC, have signed an accord to strengthen bilateral cooperation.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- The reservoirs in eastern Guantanamo province are exhausted due to severe drought in the region, according to specialists with the Cuban Water Resources Institute.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Cuba denounced in Geneva actions by some Western countries to hinder the advance of the struggle against racism, xenophobia and discrimination.... More

Washington, July 23 (RHC) –- Cubans and Americans are ready to move forward after the reestablishment of bilateral relations, even though both countries still remain politically distant, said an article published in the White House's blog in Spanish.... More
