Buenos Aires, July 22 (RHC)-- The Wage Council agreed on Tuesday to increase the minimum wage by 28.5 percent, pushing it from 4,716 pesos to 5,588 pesos (18.5 percent) in August and then to 6,060 pesos in January 2016 (10 percent), the Buenos Aires Herald reported on Wednesday.... More

Montevideo, July 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Uruguayan Senator Lucia Topolansky, wife of former President Jose Mujica, will serve as a witness in the newly reopened case of a disappeared militant from the revolutionary Tupamaros movement in the 1970's, the left-wing politician announced on Tuesday. ... More

Tel Aviv, July 22 (RHC)-- The Israeli attorney general has ordered a criminal investigation into financial misconduct of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ... More

Ramallah, July 22 (RHC)-- Palestinian residents and international supporters have launched an ongoing, 24-hour-a-day protest to protect the West Bank village of Susiya from demolition by Israeli bulldozers. ... More

Abuja, July 22 (RHC)-- The Nigerian president has announced the establishment of a multinational African force within 10 days to take on the Boko Haram terror group, vowing the force would defeat the Takfiri militants in less than 18 months. ... More

London, July 22 (RHC)-- British authorities have charged an individual with planning to wage an attack on U.S. military officers stationed in Britain. A 24-year-old man, identified as Junead Khan, from the town of Luton north of London, stands accused of plotting to attack American service members in the UK, said the Crown Prosecution Service on Tuesday. ... More

Washington, July 22 (RHC)-- Contract amendments on an Afghan $14.7 million storage facility that the U.S. Army no longer needed is a "metaphor" for Washington's war in Afghanistan, says a former CIA contractor, stressing the possibility that there might be something "underneath" the facility at Kandahar Air Field. ... More

Zürich, July 22 (RHC)-- In Zürich, Switzerland, FIFA director Sepp Blatter was showered in fake money at the beginning of a news conference Monday about reforms to address the corruption scandal that has thrown the world soccer governing body into turmoil. ... More

London, July 22 (RHC)-- A report conducted by academics has revealed that one in three patients over the age of 65 in hospitals are treated with sub standard care with those who are blind or deaf receiving the worst care. ... More

San Salvador, July 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The government of El Salvador is open to a probe into an alleged deal between the government and gang members, Salvadoran officials announced on Tuesday. ... More

Mexico City, July 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A 14 year-old armed girl was detained on Tuesday in a Mexican border with the U.S. along with four heavily armed men who said they worked for the Juarez cartel, according to local media. ... More

Santiago de Chile, July 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Leaders of the Chilean Communist Party repeated their intention to leave the governing coalition on Monday if the Bachelet administration kept “destroying” the reforms. ... More

Panama City, July 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- As the government of Juan Carlos Varela insists on pursuing the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project despite its formal suspension over environmental and social concerns, indigenous communities living around the dam marched on Tuesday to the capital to file a lawsuit against Varela. ... More

Santiago de Chile, July 22 (RHC)-- In other news from Chile, a judge has ordered the arrest of two former army officers and five former noncommissioned officers over the 1986 killing of U.S. student Rodrigo Rojas.... More

Guatemala City, July 22 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The United Nations expressed concern on Tuesday over serious contamination of Guatemala's Passion River and the risks the environmental damage poses to thousands of families. ... More
