Abuji, July 13 (RHC)-- Nigerian security forces have detected two explosives in an attempted terrorist attack on a church in the central city of Jos, sources say.... More

Ramallah, July 13 (RHC)-- Israel has released Palestinian activist Khader Adnan following a deal which saw him end a 56-day hunger strike last month. Adnan had been held for more than a year without charge under Israel’s policy of "administrative detention." ... More

Ramallah, July 13 (RHC)-- Two Palestinian prisoners have been on a hunger strike for almost 25 days to protest against their continued illegal detention without trial in Israeli jails, a report says. ... More

London, July 13 (RHC)-- In London, environmental activists chained themselves together on the runway at Heathrow Airport to protest plans to build a third runway. ... More

Madrid, July 13 (RHC)-- In the Spanish capital Madrid, the new leftist city council has announced plans to remove all names relating to former Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco from city squares and streets.... More

Washington, July 13 (RHC)-- A new study has revealed the vast majority of elected prosecutors across the United States are white. The study by the Women Donors Network found 66 percent of states that elect prosecutors have no African Americans in those positions.... More

Burmingham, July 13 (RHC)-- In Tuscaloosa, Alabama, an African-American man has died after being pepper-sprayed by police. Police say they responded to a report 35-year-old Anthony Ware was sitting on a porch with a gun. ... More

Madison, July 13 (RHC)-- Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker has announced his candidacy for U.S. president. Walker is known for gutting collective bargaining rights for public sector workers in 2011. ... More

Santiago de Cuba, July 13 (RHC) -– Floral wreaths from Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro and President Raul Castro were laid on Sunday at the tomb of Mariana Grajales, mother of Cuban independence hero Antonio Maceo, to celebrate the bicentennial of her birth.... More

Havana, July 13 (RHC) –- U.S. tour operator insightCuba is launching its “Weekend in Santiago de Cuba Tour” --the second installment in its “Weekend Series.” ... More

Bogotá, July 13 (RHC) –- The movement of solidarity with Cuba in Colombia continues to strengthen with the creation of a new solidarity committee to unite activists in Cudinamarca province.... More

Ciego de Avila, July 13 (RHC) –- Italian tour operator Eden Viaggi has kicked off summer trips to the Cuban destination, Jardines del Rey, with the arrival of the first passengers in a direct one-flight-a-week from Milan to Cayo Coco.... More

Havana, July 13 (RHC)-- Ten working committees of the Cuban parliament met Monday for a third consecutive day to discuss core issues for the functioning of the country. Today was the final day of debates before the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Eighth Parliament, which begins on Wednesday.... More

Luanda, July 13 (RHC)-- Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, Ricardo Cabrisas, began a visit to Angola today, where he will hold consultations on bilateral relations and cooperation.... More

Baghdad, July 13 (RHC)-- Iraq has praised Cuba's efforts in the fight against Ebola, noting that “doctors and health professionals have become another powerful force of human resources that characterizes Cuba.”... More
