Tegucigalpa, July 10 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Leaders of three opposition parties stated on Thursday they entirely supported the Outraged Movement and their demand of setting up an International Commission against Impunity. ... More

La Paz, July 10 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales offered the Pope Francis a wooden hammer and sickle with a figure of a crucified Christ resting on the hammer, among other gifts, as a tribute to the Spanish Jesuit priest Luis Espinal. ... More

Tegucigalpa, July 10 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Increased militarization in Honduras in recent years has led to a flood of abuses at the hands of soldiers, including arbitrary detentions, murder, torture, and rape. Militarization spiked in Honduras following the 2009 military coup in the name of increasing security and cracking down on violence in the Central American country that has been dubbed the murder capital of the world. ... More

Sports News Roundup July 10

As Cuba debuted in the Gold Cup on Thursday with a heavy but unsurprising 6-0 defeat at the hands of Mexico, a series of inconsistencies and irregularities were pointed out by analysts as the probable cause of the island's poor performance. ... More

Economic Update July 09

US Carnival Cruise Corporation announced that it plans to begin offering trips to Cuba next May aboard its new social-mission-focused line fathom.... More

Sports News Roundup July 09

A total of 431 runners from the United States are registered to compete in the next edition of Marabana, which is a record figure, announced Carlos Gattorno, general director of the famous Cuban marathon project.... More

Abuja, July 9 (RHC)-- A suicide bomber blew himself up inside a church in the restive northeastern city of Potiskum, killing five worshipers, a police officer and witness told AFP. ... More

Caracas, July 9 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro proposed that the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, a bloc of Latin American and Caribbean countries known as ALBA, join the new BRICS bank, which is set to be fully functional by the end of this year. ... More

Athens, July 9 (RHC)-- Greece has formally requested a new bailout from European creditors. The plan would see Greece commit to tax and pension-related reforms in exchange for a three-year aid package. More specific details are expected today. ... More

Berlin, July 9 (RHC)-- A 2014 Turkish Foreign Ministry session, which featured high-level Turkish officials discussing how Turkey could start a war with Syria, was reportedly recorded and leaked by the US National Security Agency (NSA). ... More

Sanaa, July 9 (RHC)-- The latest airstrikes carried out by Saudi warplanes as well as clashes on the Yemeni-Saudi border have killed several soldiers who had defected to the Houthi Ansarullah forces, a military source says. ... More

Berlin, July 8 (RHC)-- The U.S. National Security Agency spied on the last three German chancellors and their offices for decades, according to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. The WikiLeaks documents leaked on Wednesday suggested that the NSA spooked on Angela Merkel, Gerhard Schroder, and Helmut Kohl. ... More

Stockholm, July 9 (RHC)-- An International children's rights group says justice has not yet been served for over 500 Palestinian children killed during Israel's war on the besieged Gaza Strip last year. ... More

Washington, July 9 (RHC)-- U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter has acknowledged the Barack Obama administration’s program to train and equip "moderate" Syrian rebels currently has just 60 vetted candidates. ... More

Guatemala City, July 9 (RHC)-- In Guatemala, government-backed experts have declared former dictator Efraín Ríos Montt mentally incompetent to stand trial for genocide. The National Institute of Forensic Sciences says Ríos Montt, who is 89, cannot understand the charges against him. ... More
