Athens, July 6, (RHC), – Meanwhile, finance ministers from euro zone countries are expecting new proposals from Greece in Tuesday talks. A senior European commission (EC) official said on Monday that it is still possible for Greece and the creditors to find an agreement on Greek debt issue even after the NO result.... More

Abuja, July 6, (RHC), – Emergency services rushed to retrieve the injured after suspected Islamist militants killed at least 44 people in attacks on a restaurant and mosque in the central Nigerian city of Jos.... More

Moscow, July 6, (RHC), – Russian President Vladimir Putin has assured Greeks that he will support them in the financial hardships they face after the Greek people overwhelmingly voted "No" to further restricting terms of an international bailout program.... More

Vienna, July 6, (RHC), – Time is running out on closing a deal with Iran over curbing its nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief. ... More

Cairo, July 6, (RHC), – Egypt’s military says it killed 241 militants in the violence-plagued Sinai Peninsula in the first five days of July.... More

Beijing, July 6, (RHC), – The forthcoming negotiations between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at a Eurasian security summit in Moscow later this week will focus on the threat that the Islamic State militant group poses in war-torn Afghanistan.... More

Damascus, July 6, (Euronews), – The Syrian army says it has taken control of a district in Aleppo City after an intense offensive by rebel groups.... More

Damascus, July 6, (Euronews), – Amateur video purportedly shows Islamic State militants carrying out a mass execution in Palmyra’s ancient amphitheater.... More

Manila, July 6 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Government offices and schools were closed on Monday in the Philippine capital of Metro Manila due to flooding triggered by heavy rains because of tropical storm Linfa, locally known as Egay.... More

Tegucigalpa, July 6, (RHC), – Thousands of Guatemalans have taken to the streets of the capital to protest against corruption in the government, calling for the resignation of President Otto Perez Molina.... More

Havana, July 6, (RHC), – Cuban President Raul Castro has sent a message of congratulations to Greece´s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, after his victory at a referendum held July 5.... More

Sam Nujoma Meets the Cuban Five

Namibia, July 6, (RHC), – Sam Nujoma, who was the first president of Namibia, has held a private meeting with the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters, who are visiting that African nation.... More

Washington, July 6, (RHC), – A Miami-based Club of Ibero-American Artists and Intellectuals plans to coordinate projects to strengthen relations with Cuban artists and creators and to encourage cultural Exchange. ... More

Caracas, July 6, (RHC), – Following devastating floods affecting the Venezuela state of Apure, the Cuban health workers in that nation have expressed their determination to assist the area and other regions affected by natural disasters. ... More

Santiago, July 6, (RHC), – Artists, researchers and communication experts from around the Caribbean are meeting during three days at the Caribbean Festival, underway in Santiago de Cuba city.... More
