Luanda, July 6, (RHC), – The five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who were unjustly imprisoned in the United States, arrived in Angola on Monday, where they will stay until July 8th, at the invitation of the ruling People's Liberation Movement. ... More

Quito, July 06 (teleSUR-RHC) Lining up early Sunday along the highway and avenues connecting Quito to its international airport, anxious and faithful Ecuadoreans waited to catch a glimpse at Pope Francis, the first pope to visit the country in 30 years. ... More

Quito, July 06 (teleSUR-RHC) Pope Francis continued his campaign to uplift the poor in his first speech, saying that as a representative of the Catholic Church, he cannot disassociate himself from the struggles of the underprivileged. ... More

Bogota, July 06 (teleSUR-RHC) In a departure from its previous position, the government of Colombia said to be ready to declare a bilateral ceasefire with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). ... More

Caracas, July 06 (teleSUR-RHC) The Venezuelan government issued a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday, congratulating the United States on the celebration of the 219th anniversary of the country’s independence on July 4. ... More

Buenos Aires, July 6 (MERCOPRESS-RHC) Argentine President Cristina Fernández used her Twitter account on Sunday to celebrate the result of a Greek bailout referendum saying it was “an outright victory of Democracy and Dignity. The Greek people have said NO.”... More

Bridgetown, July 6 (EFE-RHC) The Caribbean Community ended its annual summit on the weekend with a warning to Venezuela that its claim on Guyana’s Essequibo zone could “poison” relations with the region, and condemning the Dominican Republic’s immigration policy, which includes deporting descendents of Haitians.... More

Sports News Roundup July 4th

The Cuban national team of baseball beat US university staff 5-1 to achieve its 1st victory after 2 consecutive failures in the traditional bilateral top between the two baseball powers.... More

Athens, July 4 (RHC)-- Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged citizens to vote 'No' in a bailout referendum scheduled to be held tomorrow, Sunday. Addressing some 25,000 of his supporters in Syntagma Square in the capital Athens, Tsipras said the referendum is not a choice about whether or not to remain in Europe, but a decision about living "with dignity."... More

Quito, July 04 (teleSUR-RHC) Sweden’s Left Party is learning all it can from Ecuador’s current administration, according to party leader Jonas Sjöstedt.... More

Abuja, July 4 (RHC)-- Boko Haram Takfiri terrorists have killed nearly 200 people in fresh attacks on homes and mosques in Nigeria in two days. Eyewitnesses say that early on Friday, the terrorist group dragged at least 11 men from homes in Miringa, a remote village in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state, and executed them in the presence of villagers.... More

Tunis, July 4, (Euronews-RHC), – Tunisia President Beji Caid Essebsi declared a state of emergency on Saturday following an Islamic militant gun attack on a Sousse beach hotel, where 38 foreign tourists, mostly Britons, were killed, TAP news agency said, citing the president’s office.... More

Cairo, July 4, (Euronews-RHC), – Islamic State-linked militants claimed they launched three rockets towards southern Israel from Sinai on Friday.... More

London, July 4 (RHC)-- Newly-published documents reveal that the UK knew Iraq was making chemical weapons, but did nothing to stop this from happening.... More

Saana, July 4, (Euronews-RHC), – At least 16 people have died in Saudi-led airstrikes in and around the Yemeni capital, according to Houthi militiamen.... More
