Sacramento, July 4 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of California, a man with a rifle killed two people outside a store and a stray bullet wounded a customer, authorities say. John Noonkester, 32, was arrested in the gated community of Lake California, 130 miles (210 km) north of Sacramento, the Tehama County sheriff’s department said.... More

Vienna, July 4 (RHC)-- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran’s negotiating partners have to make a choice between agreement with the Islamic Republic or coercion against it.... More

Havana, July 4, (RHC), – The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro visited the Food Industry Research Center Friday evening, where he chatted for over four hours with 19 cheese makers who are taking a course at that center in Havana.... More

Windhoek, July 4, (RHC), – The Cuban Five will on Saturday tour places of historic interest in the city of Windhoek, capital of Namibia, where they arrived yesterday for a courtesy visit.... More

Moscow, July 4, (RHC), – Russian Foreign Minster, Sergei Lavrov, expressed Saturday in Moscow that the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba was an act of justice.... More

Havana, July 4, (RHC), – As Cuban tourism is growing over 15 percent annually, Italy´s MSC Cruise Ship company announced that Havana will be its home port as of December for its winter operations in the Caribbean.... More

Havana, July 4, (RHC), – Seven citizens, including an Argentinean, were given up to 13 years of prison in Cuba after being convicted with corruption in a Cuban oil company, which was inflicted huge financial loss and damage of 14 crude oil wells. ... More

Quito, July 04 (teleSUR-RHC) The Ecuadorean Interior Minister Jose Serrano announced on Friday that the head of the national police force had stepped down.... More

Castries, July 04 (teleSUR-RHC) Coastal erosion poses a significant threat to beaches across the Caribbean but regional governments are scrambling to slow down the rate of erosion.... More

Santiago de Chile, July 04 (teleSUR-RHC) Chilean teachers continued to protest around the country on Friday, after a month of ongoing protests due to a new teachers bill being promoted by the government.... More

Guatemala City, July 04 (teleSUR-RHC) The Guatemalan congressional investigation into President Otto Perez Molina has decided to open the door to a presidential impeachment process by stripping Perez Molina of his legal immunity to allow him to face trial for corruption, Guatemala's Prensa Libre reported on Friday.... More

Santo Domingo, July 04 (teleSUR-RHC) The Dominican Republic is set to receive a U.N. mission to assess the country's immigration situation, as tens of thousands of Haitian-Dominicans face mass deportation.... More

Bridgetown, July 4 (Agencies-RHC)– Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena has called for the gradual write-off of billions of dollars in external debt for Caribbean States. ... More

Matanzas, July 3 (RHC)-- Cuban Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura has called for increased production and crop yields to cover the needs of national commerce and reduce food imports.... More

Caracas, July 3 (RHC) -- Cuba and Venezuela concluded today the Ninth Meeting for Analysis and Improvement of Cooperation Projects between the two nations, held in Caracas every three months.... More
