Buenos Aires, July 3 (RHC) -- Argentinian political observer Atilio Boron said that the White House can do more to alleviate the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba. ... More

Quito, July 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Anti-government protesters attacked police on Thursday in downtown Quito, the Ecuadorean capital, in an effort to reach government supporters — who had assembled in front of the presidential palace — and provoke violent clashes.... More

Abuja, July 3 (RHC)-- Two separate bomb blasts at a marketplace and a military checkpoint in northeastern Nigeria have left over a dozen people dead. The first bombing was carried out on Thursday in a crowded market in the village of Malari, outside the city of Maiduguri. At least 10 people were killed in the explosion. ... More

Beijing, July 3 (RHC)-- An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale has rocked China's far western region of Xinjiang, killing at least three people and injuring over a dozen others.... More

Paris, July 3 (RHC)-- France has rejected an asylum request by the founder of whistleblower website WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, saying he does not face “an immediate danger” to justify asylum. ... More

Washington, July 3 (RHC)-- An American military report has warned of a growing probability of the United States fighting a war with a major power, Russia or China, with "immense" consequences. The report released by General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, singles out Russia and China as aggressive countries and a threat to U.S. security interests.... More

Paris, July 3 (RHC)-- France's external intelligence agency has been intercepting international communications for the past several years, a new investigation reveals. The findings of a weeks-long investigation carried out by the French daily Le Nouvel Observateur, show that France's Directorate-General for External Security, known by its French acronym DGSE, has been spying on the international communications via a secret network of submarine cables linking Europe to the rest of the world. ... More

Ottawa, July 3 (RHC)-- The Canadian economy is likely headed for recession in the second fiscal quarter of this year, according to two major banks. The U.S.-based Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Canadian-based Nomura Bank both released statements on Thursday, warning of a financial slump for the economy of Canada. ... More

London, July 3 (RHC)-- The decrease in the number of people paying their TV license fee has hit the BBC, forcing the international broadcaster to take radical job cuts. As it faces a £150m-a-year-shortfall in funding, the BBC has decided to cut hundreds of jobs to become "leaner and simpler." ... More

Charlotte, July 3 (RHC)-- The United States has a long history of white supremacists targeting Black churches and law enforcement ignoring such crimes, an African-American historian says. Dr. Gerald Horne made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV, after at least seven Black churches were burned down in last ten days. ... More

Washington, July 3 (RHC)-- The Barack Obama administration has launched an antitrust investigation into airlines in the United States. ... More

Washington, July 3 (RHC)-- The Intercept news site has published one of the largest releases of documents from Edward Snowden to date, revealing new details about the National Security Agency’s program XKEYSCORE. ... More

Washington, July 2 (RHC)-- WikiLeaks has published the secret core text of a massive trade pact called the Trade in Services Agreement, which is currently being negotiated by more than 50 countries encompassing two-thirds of the global GDP. ... More

Johannesburg, July 3 (RHC) -– The five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters, known worldwide as the Cuban Five, have just concluded their friendly visit to South Africa, after touring several provinces of the country.... More

Luanda, July 3 (RHC) -– Over 1,139,000 people in Angola have learned to read and write using the Cuban literacy method “Yes I Can,” implemented in the African country since 2012.... More
