Caracas, July 2 (RHC)-- The Ninth Meeting of Cooperation between Cuba and Venezuela, held every three months in Caracas, continues today as part of the strategies taken by both countries to expand their joint projects. According to Venezuelan diplomatic sources, the talks will determine which programs should be terminated and agree on those that will continue.... More

Havana, July 2 (RHC) –- International media outlets and world governments and leaders have highlighted the re-establishment of formal diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, and the opening of embassies in both countries on July 20th.... More

Washington, July 2 (RHC) –- Personalities of the U.S. political arena reacted positively to the confirmation of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana and the opening of embassies next July 20th.... More

U.S. Grain Leaders Visit Cuba

Havana, July 2 (RHC) –- Leaders from the National Corn Growers, North Dakota Barley Council, and U.S. Grains Council have visited Cuba recently to continue studying the market and the current barriers to increasing grain sales to the country. The trip came just before both countries announced their official re-establishment of diplomatic relations on Wednesday.... More

Dar es Salaam, July 2 (RHC) -- A state-of-art Biolarvicides factory that promises to wipe out the deadly malaria in Tanzania is scheduled to be officially opened on Thursday in the African country, AllAfrica reports.... More

Athens, July 2 (RHC)-- Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has pledged to press ahead with a referendum on the terms of a bailout deal with Athens' international creditors, calling for a No vote in the country's upcoming poll. ... More

Mexico City, July 2 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Mexican Ministry of Real Estate and Public Credit (SHCP) handed lawmakers the new plan for 2016 on Wednesday, which reduces the number of existing social programs by 22 percent – from 1,097 down to 851. ... More

New York, July 2 (RHC)-- Oil prices in international markets have taken a tumble before the release of U.S. inventory data and mostly due to concerns over Greece debt crisis. ... More

Berlin, July 2 (RHC)-- New WikiLeaks documents show that the United States not only spied on German Chancellor Angela Merkel but also on several ministers of the country. ... More

Washington, July 2 (RHC)-- Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has raised more than $45 million in the first quarter of her 2016 White House bid. "Still running the numbers -- but here's what we know: In the first quarter of this campaign, supporters gave more than $45 million," Clinton tweeted on Wednesday morning. ... More

The Hague, July 2 (RHC)-- Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki has criticized the composition of the Middle East Quartet, calling for reform within the group which is involved in talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis. ... More

Vienna, July 2 (RHC)-- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has released a confidential report on Iran's nuclear program, attesting to Tehran's commitment to what has been agreed with the global powers. The report, obtained by The Associated Press, was circulated among the 35-nation IAEA board and the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday as IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano left for Tehran. ... More

Tunis, July 2 (RHC)-- Tunisia has arrested seven people in connection with Friday’s seaside terrorist attack that left 38 people dead. The seven suspects are currently being interrogated in the capital city, Tunis, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation. ... More

Tel Aviv, July 2 (RHC)-- The Israeli regime has decided to put up a security barrier along the border areas of Jordan with the the occupied Palestinian lands. The new 30-kilometer (19-mile) barrier has been approved by the regime's security cabinet. ... More

Moscow, July 2 (RHC)-- Russian President Vladimir Putin has pledged to push ahead with its support for the Syrian government and nation amid ongoing battle between Damascus and the Takfiri ISIL terrorists. ... More
