Guatemala City, July 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Constitutional Court of Guatemala denied on late Tuesday the legal immunity requested by President Otto Perez Molina that would have protected him from prosecution as he is the target of a corruption probe. ... More

Quito, July 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- German Carrero was delivering medical supplies when a bomb detonated and ripped his hand off in 2014. Ever since right-wing protesters set off the bomb during the violent protests that took place in Venezuela last year, he has been determined to spread a message of nonviolence around the world, coming to Ecuador with other victims of violence to present his case. ... More

Lima, July 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A group of Peruvian members of Congress and analysts denounced on Tuesday the secret negotiations of the U.S. led Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty – or TPP – as undemocratic and an attempt by elites to force decisions on Peru. ... More

Mexico City, July 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The United Nations human rights office has urged the Mexican government to extend their investigations into the killing of 22 people at the hands of its military last year. ... More

Panama City, July 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Indigenous Ngabe Bugle people in Panama have launched a hunger strike to protest the contentious Barro Blanco hydroelectric project slated for their territories, Prensa Latina reported.... More

The Cuban choir Entrevoces, directed by maestra Digna Guerra, won the Grand Prix at the International Choir Competition Serenade 2015, held in Washignton D.C., in the United States... More

Havana, June 30 (RHC)-- Vatican authorities, the Cuban government and the Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops have agreed on the visit agenda of Pope Francis, set for September 19th through the 22nd. Havana, June 30 (RHC)-- Vatican authorities, the Cuban government and the Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops have agreed on the visit agenda of Pope Francis, set for September 19th through the 22nd. ... More

Sports News Roundup June 30

A new boat race in favor of friendship between the peoples of US and Cuba will be held in November, when a flotilla of motor boats from Key West in the United States will arrive in Cuban waters.... More

Tegucigalpa, June 30 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS) will assist the government of Honduras in the implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption to reinforce the national dialogue in the violence-hit Central American nation. ... More

Athens, June 30 (RHC)-- Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has told reporters that his country will not pay its loan installment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is due on Tuesday. The Greece finance minister also noted that his country still holds hopes it would be able to clinch a last-minute deal with creditors on an aid package. ... More

Quito, June 30 (RHC)-- Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has called for the setting up of an International Environmental Court to strengthen the fight against climate change.... More

Caracas, June 30 (RHC)-- Members countries of the Energy Cooperation Alliance Petrocaribe signed several accords in Caracas toward strengthening economic integration and regional sovereignty.... More

Havana, June 30 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed a new Ebola case in Liberia, which had been officially declared free of the disease in May.... More

Havana, June 30 (RHC) -– Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca highlighted on Monday in Havana the importance of indigenous people's self-determination and the necessity to rescue the history and culture of those communities.... More

Washington, June 30 (RHC)-- The White House has suggested that a nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers is within reach. As talks continued between negotiators from Iran and the six countries in Vienna, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday that a final agreement "is within our sights." ... More
