Economic Update June 25

Economy and Planning Minister Marino Murillo confirmed that Cuba's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will grow above 4% in the first half of 2015.... More

Sports News Roundup June 25

Cuban cyclist Lisandra Guerra participates in competitions giving points for the Olympic track cycling ranking, while training in Germany for the Pan-American Games in Toronto from July 10th to 26th.... More

Johannesburg, June 25 (RHC) -- The five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters are touring historic places of interest today in the South African province of Gauteng, after visiting the city of Cape Town, where they were welcomed by lawmakers at the national parliament.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) -- Singapore's Foreign Minister, Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam, just wrapped up a four-day official visit to Cuba, which he considered very productive and informative, giving him a better grasp of Cuba's reality.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) –- Vice Admiral Vicente Eya Olomo, Deputy Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, kicked off an official visit to Cuba, accompanied by a military delegation.... More

Mexico City, June 25 (RHC) -- Mexico and Cuba have concluded in Mexico City the Tenth Meeting of the Working Group on Immigration and Consular Affairs, the Cuban embassy there reported.... More

Kuwait City, June 25 (RHC) –- Kuwait and Cuba on Thursday signed an agreement for visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, service, official and private passports, news agency Kuna reported.... More

Washington, June 25 (RHC) -– Cuba has been named among the top hottest summer destinations in 2015 by TIME magazine.... More

Washington, June 25 (RHC) – Apple Vacations, the U.S. tourism company, will begin offering tour packages to Cuba starting this fall, with the first departures leaving in September and October.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) –- Global hotel company Warwick International Hotels is opening a new resort in Cuba, the Caribbean Journal reports.... More

Brussels, June 25 (RHC)-- Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has criticized the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for dismissing Athens’ proposed reforms needed to restart bailout loan payments. ... More

Abuja, June 25 (RHC)-- Boko Haram Takfiri militants have shot dead at least 42 people in violent attacks on two villages in northeastern Nigeria's Borno State, security sources say. The causalities were caused after about 30 militants on motorcycles and pick-up trucks launched attacks on Debiro Biu and Debiro Hawul. ... More

Mexico City, June 25 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Thousands of dissident teachers took to the streets of Mexico City on Wednesday, declaring a 24-hour strike to protest against the education reform promoted by President Enrique Peña Nieto. ... More

Washington, June 25 (RHC)-- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Vienna on Friday to hold talks with officials on Iran’s nuclear energy program in a final push to seal a historic agreement with Tehran, the U.S. State Department says. ... More

Washington, June 25 (RHC)-- Documents provided by the former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor have shown that British intelligence service aided Washington's controversial targeted killing outside recognized war zones, two reports say. ... More
