Caracas, June 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Venezuelan government criticized the right-wing opposition on Friday for spreading the false rumor that Brazilian senators were prevented from meeting the country's opposition, when they were only victims of a traffic jam. ... More

Quito, June 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Two weeks of protests over wealth redistribution bills has propelled Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa to call for a national debate in the hopes of reaching a consensus. ... More

Buenos Aires, June 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Argentinian Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo withdrew his name from the list of candidates in the ruling party's 2015 presidential race, leaving Buenos Aires provincial Governor Daniel Scioli as the only candidate. ... More

Santiago de Chile, June 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Chilean port workers have completed a 24 hour strike in industrial ports across the country. Workers belonging to the Ports Union (UP) are challenging a labor reform bill that is currently awaiting approval by the Chilean senate. ... More

Las Paz, June 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivia has tripled its oil reserves, President Evo Morales announced on Thursday, after state-owned energy company YPFB made a significant oil discovery in the eastern department of Santa Cruz. ... More

Havana, June 19 (RHC) -– Cuban President Raúl Castro has expressed his country's willingness to advance socio-economic cooperation with Vietnam, media in both countries highlighted today.... More

Cuban Five to Visit Africa

Havana, June 19 (RHC) -- The five Cuban anti-terrorism fighters known as The Five will begin a visit to three African countries next week, a member of the group has announced.... More

Havana, June 19 (RHC) -– Cuba will present a draft resolution on the "colonial status of Puerto Rico" at the United Nations, ratifying the commitment of Cuba to that sister Caribbean nation.... More

Montevideo, June 19 (RHC) -– The Uruguayan Senate has approved a bill to cancel the entire debt of the National Bank of Cuba. The bill is now slated to be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. Then, the legislative process must have the signature of Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez for its implementation. ... More

Havana, June 19 (RHC) –- As Cuba and the United States come closer in the diplomatic field, experts say better communications between the close neighbors constitute a necessary reality. ... More

Washington, June 19 (RHC) – Over White House objections, the U.S. Senate on Thursday passed a $612 billion defense policy bill that calls for arming Ukraine forces, prevents another round of base closures and makes it harder for President Barack Obama to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.... More

Havana, June 19 (RHC) -- The trade fair "Biopharmaceutical Products: Challenges of the Third Millennium" will open as part of activities of the 16th International Congress of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNIC 2015), that will soon hold sessions in Havana.... More

Havana, June 19 (RHC) -- Experts from the U.S., Japan and Cuba, among other countries, are participating in the XV International Ernest Hemingway Colloquium, held at Old Havana's O'Farril Palace until June 21st.... More

Sanaa, June 19 (RHC)-- Saudi fighter jets have reportedly used cluster bombs in their fresh attacks against Yemen's northwestern province of Hajjah as Riyadh pushes ahead with a military onslaught against its impoverished southern neighbor. ... More

Quito, June 19 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño told reporters on Thursday that Sweden is violating Julian Assange's human rights by delaying for over three years its decision on whether to approve Ecuador’s proposal to allow the WikiLeaks' founder to testify from the Embassy of Ecuador in London. ... More
