Havana, June 18 (RHC) –- Cuba's telecom company ETECSA announced the setting up of 35 WiFi public areas in early July throughout the island, which will effectively increase the people's access to the Internet.... More

Alexandria, June 18 (RHC-AGENCIES) –- The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), in an effort to generate support from U.S. businesses and non-profit groups to reform U.S. travel and trade restrictions with Cuba, is joining as a founding member of Engage Cuba. ... More

Mexico City, June 18 (RHC) –- Havana will host the 25th Cuba-Mexico High Level Inter-parliamentary Meeting June 25th and 26th to consolidate bilateral relations, which were re-launched under the government of Enrique Peña Nieto.... More

Des Moines, June 18 (RHC) -– Iowa Democratic State Sen. Steve Sodders is reportedly organizing a week-long trade mission to Cuba in August, and the Greater Des Moines Partnership plans to send a delegation on a cultural exploration trip in November for local business people.... More

Havana, June 18 (RHC) –- The Evangelical Theology Seminary has graduated 40 students from six Cuban provinces as bachelors in Theology, bachelors and masters in Religious Sciences and also in Diaconal Studies.... More

Dushanbe, June 18 (RHC) -- The President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, Esteban Lazo, welcomed the re-election of Zuhurov Shukurjon as the speaker of Tajikistan's lower chamber of parliament (Majlisi Namoyandagon), a diplomatic source confirmed on Wednesday.... More

Mexico City, June 18 (teleSUR-RHC)-- In Mexico's eastern state of Veracruz, there have been at least 3,316 homicides and 426 kidnappings between 2011 and March of 2015, according to new federal figures. ... More

Santo Domingo, June 18 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Acclaimed Haitian-American novelist Edwidge Danticat has lashed out a mass deportations of Haitians in the Dominican Republic as “state-sponsored open season.” ... More

Brasilia, June 18 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A delegation of Brazilian senators, headed by former presidential candidate Aecio Neves, will visit Venezuela on Thursday, in a renewed effort to pressure the government to release opposition leaders. ... More

Guatemala City, June 18 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Social protests continued in Guatemalan capital on Wednesday as students took to the streets to demonstrate against President Otto Perez Molina and the catalog of corruption cases against the government. ... More

Bogota, June 18 (teleSUR-RHC)-- During the Peasant Agrarian Summit on Tuesday, Colombian farmers called for a mobilization in July against the legislation on the use of uncultivated lands currently being discussed in Congress. ... More

Abuja, June 17 (RHC)-- A mass of home-made explosives, found earlier at a deserted Boko Haram post, have exploded, killing 63 people in northeastern Nigeria. ... More

La Paz, June 17 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivia's illiteracy level has fallen to 3.12 percent of the population, the lowest the country has ever seen, according to Education Minister Roberto Aguilar. The Bolivian education minister said that this is a major achievement for the country whose illiteracy rate was nearly 13 percent less than 10 years ago. ... More

Ramallah, June 17 (RHC)-- The Palestinian national unity government formed last year to heal a split between President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah Party and the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has resigned, officials say. ... More

Moscow, June 17 (RHC)-- Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia will defend itself against NATO which is increasing its military presence on "our borders." During a meeting with visiting Finnish President Sauli Niinisto on Tuesday, Putin said: "If someone puts some of our territories under threat, that means we will have to direct our armed forces and modern strike power at those territories, from where the threat emanates." ... More
