Havana, June 13 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro met on Friday afternoon with Ivar Asjes, Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs of Curacao, who is paying an official visit to Havana.... More

Havana, June 13, (RHC), - Salvador Valdes, vice president of the Cuban Council of State, arrived in South Africa Friday to attend the 25th African Union (AU) Summit.... More

Havana, June 13, (RHC), - U.S. Republican Senator for Kansas, Jerry Moran, and Independent Senator for Maine, Angus King on Thursday introduced legislation to restore trade with Cuba. ... More

Havana, June 13, (RHC), - China and Cuba are planning a direct flight linking their two capitals across the vast Pacific Ocean, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said on Saturday. ... More

Washington, June 12 (RHC)-- The top U.S. general says the United States may build more military bases in Iraq as part of its escalating campaign against the self-proclaimed Islamic State. ... More

Santiago de Chile, June 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Family farming must be an engine for the eradication of hunger, poverty reduction and sustainable development in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean, said FAO’s Regional Representative Raul Benitez in Santiago de Chile, during a sidelines event at the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Conference on Wednesday. ... More

Sanaa, June 12 (RHC)-- Saudi-led airstrikes have destroyed houses, damaged buildings and killed at least six people in the old quarter of the Yemeni capital Sana’a, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ... More

Washington, June 12 (RHC)-- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says negotiations on Greece’s bailout program have come to a halt amid a lack of progress toward an agreement needed to avert a possible default. ... More

Vienna, June 12 (RHC)-- Switzerland and Austria say they are investigating reports that spyware linked to Israel targeted the hotels hosting the closed-door nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 states. ... More

Washington, June 12 (RHC)-- The U.S. military has dropped punitive measures against a Guantánamo Bay nurse who last year became the first known prison official to refuse to force-feed hunger-striking detainees. ... More

Cleveland, June 12 (RHC)-- Community leaders in the U.S. city of Cleveland have taken legal action to bring charges against the officers involved in the fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice last November. ... More

Phoenix, June 12 (RHC)-- A U.S. Army veteran has killed himself in an apparent suicide in front of the Veterans Affairs compound in Phoenix, Arizona. Police spokesman Sergeant Jonathan Howard told reporters that "Thomas Murphy, 53, likely died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound outside the Department of Veterans Affairs Phoenix Regional Office." Howard added: "We're still looking into this, but at this point all indications are that he did commit suicide." ... More

New Orleans, June 12 (RHC)-- Louisiana has delayed the release of former Black Panther Albert Woodfox, the longest-serving U.S. prisoner in solitary confinement, after appealing a judge’s order for his freedom. ... More

Washington, June 12 (RHC)-- The documentary filmmaker, publisher, journalist and activist Ellen Ray has died at the age of 75. ... More

Chicago, June 12 (RHC)-- Former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert has pleaded not guilty to charges of hiding large cash withdrawals and lying about it to the FBI. ... More
