Washington, June 6 (RHC)-- The U.S. government has admitted hackers may have accessed the personal data of four million current and former federal employees. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, said it had launched an investigation and would hold the culprits accountable who penetrated deep into the data held by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). ... More

Dallas, June 6 (RHC)-- Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has entered the U.S. presidential race, becoming the eleventh major Republican candidate to announce his bid. Speaking from an airplane hangar outside of Dallas, Texas, Perry said that as commander-in-chief of the U.S. military he would reassert American influence over the world. ... More

Sports News Roundup June 06

The Cuban team promises to redeem before Bulgaria in their 2nd clash corresponding to Group C of the men's World League Volleyball played in the Sports City Coliseum in Havana; earlier, Cuba's women's team had lost in 4 sets to Puerto Rico.... More

Montevideo, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The second Peace Forum got underway on Friday in Montevideo, where lawmakers from Latin America will discuss measures supporting the current Colombian peace process being negotiated in Havana. ... More

Santiago de Chile, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Land conflicts in the central region of Araucania between the indigenous communities of Mapuches and local residents and hydroelectric companies have intensified this week following the visit of the energy minister to the region. Minister Maximo Pacheco argued the new dams will significantly improve electricity access in the region, reduce the electricity rates. ... More

London, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Thousands turned out for a London rally in support of Venezuela and called on the United States to end the sanctions and interventions on the country. The keynote speaker was Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, who has tossed his hat in the ring to be the next Labour leader. ... More

Quito, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Despite the appreciation of the U.S. dollar and the low international price of oil, the amount of foreign investment in Ecuador has increased from 2013 to 2014. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) has reported that foreign investment in Ecuador increased 6 percent in 2014, two-thirds of which has been directed to energy development projects. ... More

Lima, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Hundreds of intellectuals, led by U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky, have urged Peru’s President to end the multinational Tia Maria mining project in a letter released on Friday. ... More

Lima, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Civil Society organizations dealing with health care issues have called for research in Peruvian provinces where they estimate the availability of generics is lower. If that is the case, then the large percentage of poor Peruvians who live outside of Lima are having to pay unaffordable prices or get by without the medicine they need. ... More

ICTs as Platform for Articulation of Different Communications

Havana, June 6 (RHC)-- How to contribute to the articulation, from the left, of a political project that has in the technology, not only a tool in an utilitarian sense, but also within a platform that develops a different kind of communication, a different resistance, was the key question that summoned the debate during the first panel of the International Conference “New Scenarios of the Political communication in the digital sphere”.... More

Young pianists from all over the world are gathering in Old Havana for the 3rd Young Pianists Encounter from June 4 through 28... More

Havana, June 5 (RHC) -- The Commissions for Health and Gender Equality, Childhood and Youth of the Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO) are meeting Friday and Saturday in the Cuban capital to debate draft bills on these topics.... More

Munich, June 5 (RHC)-- Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the southern German city of Munich to protest against the upcoming summit of the Group of Seven (G-7) major industrialized countries. ... More

Mexico City, June 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Violence in Mexico and the serious and staggering amount of human rights violations by government forces threaten the country's governance and democracy, warned the head of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), Luis Raul Gonzalez on Thursday. ... More

Abuja, June 5 (RHC)-- At least 10 people have been killed and dozens more injured after two separate bomb explosions ripped through the violence-plagued northeastern part of Nigeria, as the West African nation is battling the militancy waged by Boko Haram Takfiri terrorists. ... More
