Baghdad, June 5 (RHC)-- An Iraqi security source says a U.S. unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has crashed in the country's southern province of Basra as it was supposed to join the US-led air campaign against the so-called ISIL positions in the western Iraqi province of Anbar. ... More

New York, June 5 (RHC)-- Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to charge Israel with the violation of children's rights. The U.S.-based rights group called on Ban Ki-moon to resist political pressure from Tel Aviv and Washington and add the Israel military to an annual “List of Shame” in reaction to the death of more than 500 Palestinian children and the injury of 3,300 others during the 50-day aggression in Gaza Strip in summer 2014. The annual “List of Shame” is due to be released next week... More

Washington, June 5 (RHC)-- Two newly-leaked documents suggest that in 2012 the Barack Obama administration empowered the National Security Agency, the NSA, to expand its web surveillance on Americans without any warrant. Documents show that U.S. Justice Department lawyers wrote two secret memos in mid-2012, giving a green light to the National Security Agency (NSA) to begin monitoring Internet traffic, without securing warrants, anywhere on U.S. soil. ... More

Tel Aviv, June 5 (RHC)-- A recent decision by France's telecom giant "Orange" to withdraw its brand from Israel has raised the ire of Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu. An angry Netanyahu on Thursday called on the French government to "distance itself publicly from the miserable statement and the miserable action of a company that is partially owned by the government of France." ... More

Paris, June 5 (RHC)-- Muslim groups in France have boycotted an internal meeting on Islam held by the right-wing opposition party, which is led by former President Nicolas Sarkozy. Sarkozy’s right-wing party, recently rebranded “The Republicans,” on Thursday held a meeting on the “question of Islam” in France to debate “the place of religion” in secular France and more specifically “Islam in France.” France is home to Europe’s largest Muslim community. ... More

London, June 5 (RHC)-- Britain has expressed its readiness to host 2022 World Cup if the world’s football governing body, FIFA, takes the venue away from Qatar. Cultural Secretary John Whittingdale made the announcement while answering ministerial questions in the House of Commons on Thursday. He, however, conceded that it is ‘very unlikely’ a European country would be chosen for the game. ... More

New York, June 5 (RHC)-- Three people were fatally shot and one is in critical condition following a shooting on a Long Island street in New York City, police say. According to police officials, the shooting occurred on Wednesday night when a gunman walked up to a parked car and fired 16 rounds before fleeing the scene.... More

Recife, June 5 (RHC)-- Members of social movements and political and cultural organizations from Brazil ratified in the state of Pernambuco their unconditional support of the Cuban Revolution.... More

Havana, June 5 (RHC)-- Delegates to the 13th Latin American Congress of University Extension stressed the need to unite and seek solutions to common problems in the region. ... More

Mexico City, June 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Among the many crises affecting Mexico, all which seem to derive in violence, is the illegal appropriation of properties -- many times promoted by authorities themselves or political parties -- an action that left a number of people injured and over 169 arrested on Thursday after an all out battle in an eastern area of Mexico City. ... More

Montevideo, June 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Following the marches against gender violence in Argentina and Uruguay, an Uruguayan state official told the press draft bill was being prepared to classify femicide as a crime. ... More

Sports News Roundup June 05

Men and women Cuban judo teams are training in Europe as part of the preparation for the Pan American Games this July in Toronto, Canada, where they will compete with full teams.... More

Bogotá, June 5 (RHC) -– The Colombian government and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels have agreed to establish a Truth Commission to investigate crimes committed throughout the country's half-century conflict.... More

Brasilia, June 5 (RHC) –- Brazil's National Committee for Refugees has taken in approximately 1,900 Syrian refugees who have taken advantage of measures adopted about two years ago that facilitated their entry into the country.... More

Panama City, June 5 (RHC-PRESSTV) -– The former vice president of Panama, Felipe Virzi, has been arrested on charges of money laundering in an ongoing investigation. ... More
