Havana, June 3 (RHC-PL)-- A keynote speech on the Cuban cultural policy by Abel Prieto, adviser to the Cuban president, is among the main events of the 13th Latin American Congress on University Extension on Wednesday.... More

Mexico City, June 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- An eightth candidate in the midterm Mexican elections that will take place this coming Sunday has been shot and killed. Miguel Angel Luna was running for the federal chamber of deputies or Lower House of Congress' 32nd district in Chalco, State of Mexico, but was murdered Tuesday at his campaign office, local police reported. ... More

Brasilia, June 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced Tuesday that her administration has allocated a total amount of $59.5 billion to support farming production in 2015-2016. ... More

Mexico City, June 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A darling of the U.S. anti-immigrant right is facing criticism over false claims that “America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population." ... More

Quito, June 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Nobel Peace Prize winner and internationally renowned indigenous rights activist Rigoberta Menchu will pay an official visit to Ecuador's Amazon region of Lago Agrio, which was affected by the United States-based oil company Chevron-Texaco. ... More

Lima, June 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Demands for Peruvian government policy that prioritizes food security and sovereignty were high on Tuesday's agenda at the National Association of Ecological Producers conference. ... More

Bogota, June 3 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The National Movement of Victims of State Crimes in Colombia denounced Monday the assassination of Alex Fabian Espinosa Carvajalino, a trade unionist, human rights defender, and member of the organization. ... More

Sports News Roundup June 02

NBA star Carmelo Anthony visited the Pedro Marreo Stadium in Havana city this morning after arriving on Sunday night in Havana along the American Cosmos team and Brazilian soccer star Pele.... More

Islamabad, June 2 (RHC)-- At least four people have been killed in a fresh U.S. drone strike in Pakistan's volatile North Waziristan tribal area near the Afghan border. ... More

Santiago de Chile, June 2 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Thousands of Chilean teachers took to the streets on Monday to protest an educational bill currently going through congress, launching an indefinite strike called by the union Teachers’ College. ... More

Beijing, June 2 (RHC)-- A passenger ship with more than 450 people aboard has sunk in the Yangtze River during a cyclone in southern China, state media reports. ... More

Kabul, June 2 (RHC)-- A series of violent clashes between Afghan police and Taliban militants have claimed the lives of at least 13 people in northern Afghanistan, local authorities say. The casualties caused after a group of heavily armed Taliban militants stormed a police outpost in northern Samangan Province. ... More

Baghdad, June 2 (RHC)-- In Iraq, suicide bombers from the self-proclaimed Islamic State rammed Humvees packed with explosives into a police base in Anbar province, killing at least 45 Iraqi police officers. ... More

Gaza City, June 2 (RHC)-- German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called for the removal of Israel's eight-year-long blockade on the Gaza Strip. More action to rebuild and improve Gaza's troubled economy "requires the opening of crossing points," said Steinmeier during a rare visit to Gaza on Monday. ... More

Berlin, June 2 (RHC)-- Germany and France have called on the European Union to revise its proposed mechanism for admitting asylum seekers, calling for a more balanced approach. ... More
