Washington, June 1 (RHC)-- The head of the Central Intelligence Agency has insisted that the United States should continue snooping on telephone conversations of millions of Americans in order to stop terrorist attacks. ... More

New York, June 1 (RHC)-- Human Rights Watch (HRW) says evidence shows Saudi Arabia has been pounding neighboring Yemen with internationally banned cluster bombs, warning that such attacks are "harming civilians." ... More

Brussels, June 1 (RHC)-- European officials say at least 5,000 migrants have been rescued in the Mediterranean over the weekend. The migrants were on 25 vessels that left from Libya on their way to various European countries. ... More

Athens, June 1 (RHC)-- The Greek prime minister has criticized Athens's international creditors for offering "absurd" proposals and failing to show flexibility in the ongoing talks over Greece's bailout program. ... More

Los Angeles, June 1 (RHC)-- Two separate cases of gun violence in the United States have left three people killed and another one injured, according to police officials. ... More

Washington, June 1 (RHC)-- New figures show the death toll from police shootings in the United States this year is twice the official figure. The Washington Post says police have shot dead at least 385 people in 2015, an average of almost 2.6 per day. ... More

Phoenix, June 1 (RHC)-- More than 200 protesters, including some carrying weapons, gathered in the U.S. city of Phoenix, Arizona over the weekend for an anti-Islam rally. An equal number of counter-protesters met the group as they stood outside the Islamic Community Center during evening prayers.... More

Washington, June 1 (RHC)-- A new poll in the United States reveals that most Americans oppose the Patriot Act, used by the National Security Agency as a legal basis to spy on its own citizens. ... More

Chicago, June 1 (RHC)-- An American Muslim woman says she is the victim of religious discrimination after a United Airline flight attendant denied her an unopened can of Diet Coke because it could be used as a "weapon." ... More

Havana, June 1 (RHC) -– Cuban President Raul Castro, during the latest meeting of the Council of Ministers, called to deeply analyze and constructively discuss every measure, in the context of the transformations that the nation is undergoing.... More

Tokyo, June 1 (RHC) -- Senator Akiko Santo, faction leader of the Japanese Parliament's Upper House, highlighted on Monday the good relations between Japan and Cuba.... More

Beirut, June 1 (RHC) -– Lebanese business people are traveling to Cuba as part of a trade mission to explore new opportunities in the context of Cuba's economic revitalization.... More

Havana, June 1 (RHC) -- A workshop of the Regional Alliance for Soils in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean got underway in Havana today to promote sustainable soil management in the region.... More

Havana, June 1 (RHC) -– Tobacco addiction is the non-genetic illness that most negatively affects Cubans' quality of life, and each day an average of 36 people die from diseases caused by tobacco use, according to local experts.... More

Havana, June 1 (RHC) -- The Cuban tourism industry has been given a new boost with the official resumption of Iberia flights to the Caribbean nation.... More
