San Jose, May 28 (RHC)-- Authorities in the western province of Mayabeque are setting up infrastructure to expand Internet connection at the community level, as part of the Cuban national program aiming at increasing access to Information Technologies.... More

Madrid, May 28 (RHC)-- The speaker of the Spanish Congress Jesus Posada is planning to pay a visit to Cuba in early September.... More

Gaza City, May 27 (RHC)-- The Israeli air force has started carrying out attacks on the Gaza Strip, as the Palestinian resistance movements of Hamas and Islamic Jihad deny launching projectiles into Israel. ... More

London, May 27 (RHC)-- A new report from dozens of aid agencies is calling for pressure on Israel to lift the blockade and allow Gaza’s reconstruction. ... More

Zurich, May 27 (RHC)-- Top officials with the world’s governing soccer body FIFA have been detained in a sweeping corruption investigation that could see them tried in the United States. ... More

Mexico City, May 27 (teleSUR-RHC)-- At least 15,000 people took part in Mexico City's rallies to mark eight months since the 43 Ayotzinapa students were forcibly disappeared. And despite police attempts to block the marchers from gathering at the capital's main square Zocalo, supporters and relatives came together in front of the Presidential Palace. ... More

Cleveland, May 27 (RHC)-- The U.S. city of Cleveland has agreed to some of the toughest limits on the use of police force under a settlement with the federal government. ... More

Washington, May 27 (RHC)-- A U.S. federal appeals court has refused to restore President Barack Obama’s executive actions protecting millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. ... More

Dublin, May 27 (RHC)-- The United Nations has called on European leaders to make greater efforts to help refugees arriving in European countries. Speaking at a joint press conference alongside Ireland’s Prime Minister Enda Kenny in the Irish capital, Dublin, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged European leaders to “provide more help” for the refugees and called on them to “strengthen” search and rescue operations for those refugees passing across the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe.... More

Washington, May 27 (RHC)-- Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders who announced his bid for the White House last month has called for action to reduce widening income inequality, adding that children are hungry in the United States. ... More

Augusta, May 27 (RHC)-- Two Native American tribes have pulled out their representatives from the Maine House due to the U.S. "paternalistic attitude," saying they will not return until "recognized" and "valued." The two, the Penobscot Nation and Passamaquoddy Tribe, abandoned seats at the Maine legislature on Tuesday amid a row with Governor Paul LePage, the Guardian reported. ... More

Dallas, May 27 (RHC)-- Record-setting flooding continues to inundate the U.S. states of Texas and Oklahoma, leaving 17 dead. Houston was brought to a near standstill on Tuesday as surging floodwaters stranded motorists across the city. ... More

Edmonton, May 27 (RHC)-- Numerous wildfires in Canada have forced some 7,000 people to evacuate their homes and businesses, officials say. ... More

Sports News Roundup May 27

The Baltimore Orioles will become the 1st US big league team to play in baseball-crazed Cuba since a diplomatic thaw, playing Havana's national team, a Cuban official recently said in Havana, following last December 17th when US President Barack Obama and Cuba's Raul Castro announced an historic change of course after more than 5 decades of Cold War bad blood.... More

Havana, May 27 (RHC) – The president of El Salvador, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, will meet Wednesday with his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro in Havana. ... More
