Havana, May 27 (VNS-RHC) — Representatives from 12 Vietnamese businesses involved in hospitality, technology, trade, wood, rubber and IT attended a business forum held in Havana on Monday to seek investment opportunities in Cuba.... More

Washington, May 27 (RHC) -- Newly-elected Secretary General of the Organization of American States, OAS, Luis Almagro, has prioritized Cuba's full integration back into the organization.... More

Cuba will increase its energy output by six times its current production an official with the Energy and Mining Ministry said at an International Forum on Renewable Energy underway in Havana.... More

Caracas, May 27 (teleSUR-RHC) --The Venezuelan people will cast a “punishment vote” against the ultra-right at parliamentary elections at the end of the year, the country’s president, Nicolas Maduro, said on Tuesday. The democratically-elected head of state told teleSUR that the poor will play a key role at the polls.... More

Mexico City, May 27 (teleSUR-RHC)-- As Mexico's National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) opens an investigation into the recent events in Tanhuato, Michoacan, where 42 people were apparently executed, new witnesses' accounts surface suggesting that once again federal authorities have lied manipulating official information. ... More

Quito, May 27 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The media research center Ciespal and teleSUR will analyze the state of the media in Latin America in July during the international conference titled “Communication and Latin American Integration from the South.” ... More

Lima, May 27 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The southern region of Peru, Arequipa began a 48-hour strike in the early hours early Wednesday in support of the residents in a nearby town protesting against the $1.5-billion-Tia-Maria-copper-mining project. ... More

Lima, May 27 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Peru’s Ombudsman criticized the government of President Ollanta Humala on Tuesday for failing to enforce legislation that protects indigenous people. ... More

Baghdad, May 26 (RHC)-- Iraqi forces have launched an offensive to reclaim Anbar province from the self-proclaimed Islamic State. Thousands of Iraqi troops and Shiite militias have been massing around the ISIL-held city of Ramadi in preparation for the assault. ... More

Lima, May 26 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Peruvian police removed roadblocks that had been in place for weeks and arrested at least 13 protesters two days after President Ollanta Humala signed a decree imposing a 60-day martial law for Islay province, in Arequipa department, where some 3,000 policemen and 1,000 military officers were deployed to deal with demonstrations that had turned violent. ... More

Sanaa, May 26 (RHC)-- In Yemen, forces loyal to exiled President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi have reclaimed the southern city of Dhale from Shiite Houthi rebels, marking their first major victory since Saudi Arabia began bombing the rebels in March. ... More

Kapul, May 26 (RHC)-- At least 19 police officers and seven soldiers have been killed in an attack by Taliban militants who have surrounded a police compound in an ongoing siege in southern Afghanistan, an Afghan official says. ... More

New York, May 26 (RHC)-- Anonymous threats against a number of flights in the United States made jets escort an Air France plane to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. The threats claimed there were chemical weapons aboard multiple airplanes heading for different U.S. cities on Monday, law enforcement officials said. ... More

Istanbul, May 26 (RHC)-- The Egyptian army has destroyed 521 entry points to tunnels under the border with the Gaza Strip, which has been subject to an Israeli blockade for the past eight years, a report says. According to military spokesperson Mohamed Samir, the border guards had demolished the tunnel openings over the past six months, Turkey's Anadolu Agency reported on Monday. Samir added that some of the tunnels had railroad tracks and communication rooms. ... More

Brussels, May 26 (RHC)-- NATO members and allies are taking part in large scale aerial war games, dubbed the Arctic Challenge Exercise 2015 (ACE 2015), over northern Europe. The two-week long military exercise, which got underway on Monday, is headed by NATO member Norway and involves over 100 aircraft and 4,000 personnel. ... More
