San Salvador, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Some 300,000 pilgrims coming from different parts of the world attended Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero’s beatification ceremony in San Salvador on Saturday, led by a special envoy from the Vatican. ... More

Kabul, May 23 (RHC)-- At least five people have been killed and several others injured in a fresh US drone strike in the troubled northeastern Afghanistan. Local Afghan security officials said that the attack took place in Kunar province on Friday evening. ... More

Amman, May 23 (RHC)-- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he is determined to continue making efforts toward the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the territories occupied by Israel. ... More

Washington, May 23 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department has released hundreds of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's e-mails related to the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The e-mails, released on Friday, are from Clinton's private e-mail account, which she used while she was the head of the State Department. ... More

Geneva, May 23 (RHC)-- Thirty-one people, mostly Burundian refugees, have lost their lives to a cholera outbreak in Tanzania since last week, according to the United Nations. The deaths, “two locals and 29 refugees”, were reported in the port town of Kigoma on Lake Tanganyika, in the nearby villages of Kagunga and Nyarugusu, and among the people on ferries en route from Kagunga to Kigoma, the UN Refugee Agency said on Friday. ... More

Bursa, May 23 (RHC)-- Workers at the Ford Otosan automotive manufacturing company in Turkey have staged a strike in a wave of walkouts by the country's major car makers over a deepening labor dispute. ... More

Paris, May 23 (RHC)-- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has published a new study that explores income inequality in its 34 states. The study found that with 10 percent of its richest population earning 19 times the income of the poorest 10 percent in 2013, the United States ranks first on OECD’s list of developed countries by their rich-poor gap. ... More

Washington, May 23 (RHC)-- The global level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has topped 400 parts per million for the longest time in recorded history. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the grim milestone was reached on average for the entire month of March. ... More

Leavenworth, May 23 (RHC)-- Imprisoned U.S. Army private Chelsea Manning has proposed legislation that would help future whistleblowers follow in her footsteps. ... More

San Salvador, May 23 (RHC)-- Salvadoran President Salvador Sánchez Cerén met Friday afternoon with visiting Cuban First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who is in the Central American country and heading the Cuban delegation to the beatification ceremony of Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero.... More

Washington, May 23 (RHC)-- Cuba and the United States will continue bilateral talks on a technical level, particularly on health and law enforcement, Foreign Ministry official Josefina Vidal announced in Washington at the end of the third round of negotiations to re-establish diplomatic relations.... More

Havana, May 23 (RHC)-- The two grandsons of U.S. writer Ernest Hemingway, John and Patrick, said in Havana that they are very pleased with the new stage of relations between Cuba and their country.... More

Havana, May 23 (RHC)-- The Cuban government approved five investment projects by foreign companies to operate in the Special Economic Zone at Mariel Harbor, joining the container terminal in operations there since 2014. ... More

Muscat, May 23 (RHC)-- Oman's Foreign Minister Yousef bin Alawi bin Abdullah expressed the willingness of his country to continue expanding cooperation with Cuba in different areas, particularly in health and agriculture.... More

Havana, May 23 (RHC) -— The Angola/Cuba Joint Commission – designed to speed up issues related to cooperation between the two countries –- will be created next June, the Angola's Ambassador to Cuba José César Augusto Kiluanje announced on Thursday in Havana.... More
