Havana, May 23 (RHC) —- The Angolan Oil Company (Sonangol) will start the exploration process of crude oil in Cuba. Angola's Ambassador to Cuba, José César Augusto Kiluanje, said the prospects of oil exploration are good.... More

Lima, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The government of Peru declared a state of emergency ON Friday in the province of Islay, Arequipa, after protests against the Tia Maria mining project escalated further resulting in another civilian death. ... More

Quito, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC) Ecuador is importing 1,300 cattle from Paraguay in May with five shipments to improve its genetic stock. The first two shipments have arrived, each carrying between 230 and 250 heads of cattle, and have been distributed throughout the country to strengthen the industry for national consumption and export. ... More

The opera Cubanacán by renowned Cuban composer, Roberto Valera, and US producer and script writer, Charles Koppelman, was premiered in Havana on May 23rd to pay tribute to the Higher Institute for the Arts, ISA, or Cuban Arts University... More

Castries, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network has issued a drought warning for a number of islands across the Caribbean. ... More

Quito, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Italian Priest Jose Carollo was a follower of liberation theology when he arrived in Ecuador in 1949 and dedicated his life to serving the poorest residents of southern Quito. ... More

Mexico City, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Three bodies have been found in the Mexican town of Chilapa where 30 people recently went missing after it was taken over by community police, according to media reports on Friday. ... More

Mexico City, May 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Yaqui indigenous people’s National Caravan for the Defense of Water, Land, Work and Life arrived in Mexico City’s Xochimilco area on Thursday night after traveling 11 days to communities across Mexico in order to connect with and bring together different social struggles.... More

Washington, May 22 (RHC) –- Cuba and the U.S. are scheduling another round of high-level talks over the next few weeks, according to both sides at a joint news conference Friday afternoon in the U.S. capital.... More

Havana, May 22 (RHC) -– Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel is heading the island's delegation that will participate in the beatification of Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, tomorrow, Saturday, in El Salvador.... More

Washington, May 22 (RHC) -– The Cuban Interests Section in Washington D.C. announced the resumption of its banking services, which will guarantee the normal performance of that entity and will allow to offer full consular services.... More

Minneapolis, May 22 (RHC)-- Minnesota Senator Al Franken will travel to Cuba this weekend, according to a report by Associated Press. The senator be part of a congressional delegation that will explore ways the U.S. and Cuba can expand trade opportunities.... More

Havana, May 22 (RHC) -– The smoking habit is considered to be the non-genetic disease that most affects life expectancy in Cuba, said an epidemiologist in Havana.... More

Havana, May 22 (RHC) -– Cuba needs to implement a national policy to enhance its logistic and supply systems as crucial factor for economic development, said an expert in Havana.... More

Bogotá, May 22 (RHC) –- Colombia's largest rebel group is ending a unilateral cease-fire in response to a military raid on a guerrilla camp that killed 26 of its fighters, Associated Press reports.... More
