Lima, May 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Peruvian Interior Minister Jose Luis Perez Guadalupe said on Tuesday that police “can and should” use lethal force in the face of protests as those unfolding in the country against the Tia Maria mine project. ... More

Buenos Aires, May 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Argentinian president enacted the law on Wednesday to nationalize trains in the Retiro train station. Launching the newly-nationalized rail network, Fernandez said it was important to “connect the country once and for all,” and said she wanted Patagonia to be accessible by train. She defended the nationalization and said it was the State's duty to regulate private companies. She said her late husband had the same intention in 2002 and “no one believed him, no one tolerated him.” ... More

Paramaribo, May 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- As Suriname prepares for its upcoming elections next week, hundreds of international observers and thousands of extra security personnel will travel to the small Caribbean nation to ensure the vote goes smoothly. ... More

Havana, May 21 (RHC)-- Before winding up a three-day visit to Cuba, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic granted Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro the Order of the Serbian Republic, and described his meeting with Fidel as “a dream come true.”... More

Guantanamo, May 21 (RHC)-- Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel called for a greater use of modern technologies for the development of the country.... More

Washington, May 21 (RHC)-- Executives with the new Engage Cuba coalition, a group designed to lobby at the U.S. Congress to achieve the lifting of Washington's travel and trade ban and said that a majority of Americans support a change of U.S. policy towards the Caribbean nation.... More

Havana, May 21 (RHC-AIN)-- Cuban Deputy Health Minister Doctor Alfredo Gonzalez expressed his appreciation to the German company Otto Bock for a donation of state-of-the-art equipment for Cuban technical orthopedics. ... More

Havana, May 21 (RHC-AIN)-- The names of the winners of the first edition of the Farber Foundation Cuban Art Awards were announced in Havana on Wednesday, when only a few hours remained for the official inauguration of Havana's 12th Biennial. ... More

Havana, May 21 (RHC-AIN)-- Myrta Kaulard, resident coordinator of the United Nations to Cuba, acknowledged on Wednesday in this capital the island's contribution to the strengthening of South-South cooperation in order to promote the social development of the continent. ... More

Mexico City, May 20 (teleSUR-RHC) At least 23 municipal police are being investigated in the violence-stricken state of Michoacan due to their alleged involvement in the recent homicide of a mayoral candidate and former leader of a self-defense group, officials reported on Tuesday. ... More

Sports News Roundup May 20

In a more friendly than competitive activity, Cubans sailing ships beat the Americans in the "Havana Challenge" Regatta, to be held until next 21st in waters off the Havana's Malecon seafront.... More

Moscow, May 20 (RHC)-- Moscow has condemned a mortar attack on the Russian embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus, calling it a “terrorist act.” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said: “We treat the incident as terrorist act, aimed against the Russian embassy. We strongly condemn its perpetrators, organizers and instigators.” And he added: "Russia reaffirms its solidarity with Syrian authorities in their effort to combat the terrorist threat in Syria."... More

Ramallah, May 20 (RHC)-- A Palestinian organization has published a new report shedding further light on the Israeli atrocities committed against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in April.... More

Washington, May 20 (RHC)-- A U.S. federal judge has ruled that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s e-mails during her time at the State Department must be made public on a rolling basis instead of waiting for a mass release in January 2016.... More

Kiev, May 20 (RHC)-- Ukraine has vowed to prosecute two men it accuses of being elite Russian soldiers captured in country’s restive east. Russia has claimed the men are no longer active soldiers. ... More
