US commandos mounted a rare raid into eastern Syria overnight, killing a senior Islamic State commander and about a dozen others in a firefight, capturing his wife and rescuing a Yazidi woman held as a slave, the Pentagon said Saturday. ... More

United Nations, May 16 (RHC)-- The United Nations says more than 100,000 Burundians have been forced to leave their violence-stricken country, which recently witnessed a coup attempt.... More

Arequipa, May 16 (RHC-Eurionews), -- More than 30 people, many of them police officers, were injured in clashes in southern Peru on Friday. Violence broke out in the city of Arequipa, during a protest against plans for copper mining.... More

Ramallah, May 16 (RHC)-- Dozens of people have been injured after Israeli regime forces fired live rounds to disperse thousands of Palestinian demonstrators marking the 67th anniversary of the Nakba Day (Day of the Catastrop... More

Santo Comingo, May 16 (RHC)-- U.S. authorities say they have arrested a man who made drunken threats about detonation of a bomb onboard a passenger plane heading to New York. A Friday statement by airport security officials said the man forced the plane to return to Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, on Thursday, the Associated Press reported.... More

Panama, May 16, (RHC), -- The President of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), Elias Castillo, stressed the permanent and unwavering stance of that organization against the US economic blockade on Cuba.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC) -- The Vice President of Angola, Manuel Domingos Vicente, is set to arrive in Cuba on Sunday for an official visit.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC), -- The 48-member-strong Cuban medical team that arrived in Nepal this week will shortly begin to assist the victims of recent devastating earthquakes in that Asian nation. A field hospital managed by the Cuban doctors will soon open its doors in Kathmandu, the capital of the Himalayan country.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC), -- The Cuban Five anti-terrorism fighters have received the Julio Antonio Mella Prize, granted by the Computer Sciences University (UCI) to prominent alumni, and for the first time given to people outside its enrollment.... More

Havana, May 16, (KEYSINFONET), – A boat race from Key West to Havana set sail Saturday morning, in what is believed to be the first sanctioned sailing race between the U.S. and Cuba in at least a half a century, Keysinfonet reports.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC), -- Meteorologists at the Department of Atmospheric Science of Colorado State Univerity anticípate that this year’s Atlantic basin hurricane season will be one of the least active since 1950. They estimate that 2015 will have only 3 hurricanes (the average is 6.5), 7 named storms (average is 12.0) and only one 1 major (Category 3-4-5) hurricane (average of 2.0) .... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC-PL), -- Cuban and US musicians exhibited Beethoven's genius at the opening concert of the 19th International Fair Cubadisco, which is dedicated to choral and symphonic music.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC-PL), -- Cuba is to host an international forum of entrepreneurs and leaders in information technology (Felti 2015) next week, reported sources from the organizing committee.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC-PL), -- In Havana, Agriculture Minister Gustavo Rodriguez referred on Saturday to the process to improve the sector, including the grouping of companies by productive profiles and the elimination of vertical management structures... More

The Minnesota Symphony Orchestra is holding concerts at the Cuban Music and Record Industry Festival, Cubadisco 2015, currently underway in Havana... More
