Santiago de Chile, April 30 (EFE-RHC)-- Concerned by the disrepute caused by scandals in Chile, which until recently had been synonymous with transparency and integrity, President Michelle Bachelet has announced a raft of rigid new anti-corruption measures for politics and trade, including a proposal for a new fully democratic constitution.... More

US writer Toba Singer presented a book on the father of the Cuban ballet school, Fernando Alonso, at the Central Library in San Francisco in the United States... More

Sports News Roundup April 29

The top teams and players of the recently concluded 54th National Baseball Series are being recognized today in the Cuban Baseball Gala, with a stage in the Sports City Coliseum here in Havana.... More

Kathmandu, April 29 (RHC)-- The death toll from a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Nepal has topped 5,000 with twice that number injured. Aid has reportedly finally reached an area near the epicenter for the first time, four days after the earthquake struck. Remote villages remain cut off from needed supplies. ... More

Caracas, April 29 (teleSur-RHC)-- A book published Tuesday by the U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), studying the relationship between inequality and taxation policies, reveals that government intervention has succeeded in substantially reducing inequality. ... More

Baltimore, April 29 (RHC)-- In the U.S. city of Baltimore, police in riot gear fired tear gas and smoke grenades overnight as hundreds of people defied a 10 p.m. curfew to continue protesting the death of Freddie Gray. ... More

Havana, April 29 (teleSUR-RHC)-- At the resumption of peace negotiations on Tuesday, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) denounced the deaths of 19 human rights defenders and threats issued to a further 249 activists during the first quarter of 2015. ... More

Riyadh, April 29 (RHC)-- Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has fired his chosen successor, reportedly over his opposition to the Saudi-led military campaign against Iranian-aligned Houthi rebels in Yemen. ... More

Quito, April 29 (teleSUR-RHC)-- President Rafael Correa presented some of the policies his government implemented in Ecuador to address the challenges of climate change during a conference on Tuesday co-organized by the United Nations at Vatican City. ... More

Washington, April 29 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama hosted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for a White House state dinner Tuesday during Abe’s week-long visit to the United States. At a meeting earlier in the day, Obama said the two leaders discussed strengthening military ties and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, the TPP. ... More

Lima, April 29 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Peruvian Congress voted on Monday to approve the new Prime Minister Pedro Cateriano and a new Cabinet. The debate, lasting over 15 hours until close to midnight, resulted in 76 votes in favor of the new Cabinet, 36 abstentions, and 10 leftist minority votes against the government. ... More

Stockholm, April 29 (RHC)-- Sweden’s top court has granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange the right to appeal an arrest warrant which has kept him holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for nearly three years. ... More

Mexico City, April 29 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Over 124,300 children in Mexico are forced to work in order to afford food and clothing, to contribute to the household income, or attend school, says a new study by the National Council for Discrimination Prevention (Conapred). ... More

United Nations, April 29 (RHC)-- A United Nations body of independent experts has denounced France's "trivialization" of hate speech and acts of racism, urging Paris to curtail the soaring trend of violence against foreign communities. ... More

Bogota, April 29 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Thousands of teachers took to the streets in cities across the country on Monday to demand salary increases, access to adequate health care and the elimination of examinations used to evaluate teachers. ... More
