United Nations, April 27 (RHC)-- Parents and relatives of the 43 students missing in the Mexican state of Guerrero have marked seven months since their loved ones disappeared. Some of the parents and relatives converged on New York City after traveling across the United States in caravans. ... More

Montevideo, April 27 (RHC)-- Four former Guantánamo prisoners have been protesting for days in front of the U.S. Embassy in Montevideo, the Uruguayan capital, demanding U.S. financial and housing support.... More

Islamabad, April 27 (RHC)-- At least 20 people have died in flooding caused by heavy rains in the capital of the northwestern Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a police official says. Mian Syed, a senior Pakistani police official, said on Sunday that approximately 100 others suffered injuries as a result of the flooding in Peshawar. The police official said dozens of houses collapsed due to the heavy rains and winds in the city. ... More

Caracas, April 27 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Tensions that erupted last week between Spain and Venezuela after the Spanish government's attempts to meddle in the Latin American country's internal affair appeared to lessen on Sunday after conciliatory statements from both nations. ... More

La Paz, April 27 (RHC-NNN)-- Bolivia is planning to use jet fighters to intercept drug traffickers across the border, Defense Ministry sources said.... More

Sao Paulo, April 27 (EFE-RHC) Uniformed and armed with insect repellent, 50 soldiers patrol Brazil’s largest city to fight the enemy: the dengue-carrying mosquito responsible for infecting 460,500 people in the country so far this year.... More

Guatemala City, April 27 (NNN-RHC)-- Pressure was mounting over the weekend on Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina to resign over a corruption scandal that allegedly involved top government officials.... More

5.7 Earthquake Hits Peru

Lima, April 27 (RHC)-- An earthquake of 5.7 magnitude in the Richter scale has hit the northern coast of Peru, according to the Peruvian Geophysical Institute.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- Encouraged by the return to Cuba of the five anti-terrorists who were imprisoned for years in U.S. jails and of health professionals who fought Ebola in Africa, nearly 60,000 health workers will join the May Day march next Friday at Havana's Revolution Square.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- Over 1.2 million Cubans were called to vote at the second round of municipal elections in 1.166 electoral districts, in all 149 Cuban municipalities needing to complete the total of local government representatives. ... More

Washington, April 27 (RHC)-- U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar pushed her bipartisan bill to lift the over-50-year U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba at a recent Senate hearing on Capitol Hill, and discussed steps to ensure that U.S. farmers and ranchers benefit from relations with Cuba.... More

Texas Business Mission to Cuba

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- A business mission from the U.S. state of Texas is visiting Cuba this week to meet with local companies, including Alimport, Cuba's food import enterprise.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- The 8th International Health Fair, held in Havana last week entitled Health for All, contributed to strengthen cooperation links in the sector and particularly favored the exchange of information and experience on technology and material resources. ... More

Sports News Roundup April 25

The national soccer champion team, Camagüey, moved into the Luis Pérez Lozano Stadium to face today Cienfuegos, owner of the 3rd seat, in one of the most interesting matches of the May 16th event for the National Soccer Cup.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez concluded an intense European tour that took him to the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Luxembourg.... More
