Asunción, April 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Paraguayan Senate debated on Thursday a legislation seeking to guarantee universal health coverage to indigenous citizens, as well as to protect and promote indigenous traditional medicine. ... More

Lima, April 24 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The organization “Vida Mujer” or “Women's Life” released on Thursday “No Te Mueras Por Mi” or “Do Not Die For Me” an innovative book which brings to life the stories of battered women in order to raise awareness of the tragic consequences of domestic abuse. ... More

Sports News Roundup April 23

The current World Team Chess Championship is coming to its median. In the 4th round the team of China unexpectedly took a confident victory over the Armenians with the score 0.5:3.5, the Egyptians yielded the Cuban team 1:3, while India won Hungary with the minimum score, and Ukraine was stronger than Israel, again with the score 1.5:2.5. Only the Russia-USA match ended in a draw with the score of 2:2.... More

Sanaa, April 23 (RHC)-- Warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition struck the Yemeni cities of Aden and Ibb early today despite a previous claim by Riyadh that it had ended its nearly month-long operation. Saudi officials said Wednesday they will limit their military role in Yemen but continue to respond to Houthi attacks. ... More

Moscow, April 23 (RHC)-- Russia and Argentina agreed on Thursday to consider stamping out the use of the U.S. dollar for bilateral trade, along with a slew of other high level deals. “We have agreed to carry out comprehensive consultations on the question of using national currencies in trade,” Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez stated. ... More

Riyadh, April 23 (RHC)-- Billionaire Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal has promised to give a free Bentley to every Saudi pilot that has taken part in bombardment of Yemen. ... More

Lima, April 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Peruvian officials reported that one person was killed and 11 wounded during clashes on Wednesday between security agents and opponents of Southern Copper Corp's Tia Maria project. ... More

Kabul, April 23 (RHC)-- Three people, including a senior security official, were killed as two bomb blasts rocked Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province, officials say. ... More

Baghdad, April 23 (RHC)-- At least seven people have been killed in a car bomb explosion near a car repair store in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, officials say. The blast, which took place in the eastern district of Talibiyah, also injured 14 people and damaged surrounding property, the Associated Press quoted the Iraqi police officials as saying on Wednesday. Medical authorities have confirmed the casualties. ... More

Brussels, April 23 (RHC)-- European leaders gathered in Brussels today for an emergency meeting on the migrant crisis. A leaked draft of the summit statement obtained by The Guardian shows only 5,000 refugees would be offered the chance to resettle in Europe. At least 150,000 others would be deported. ... More

United Nations, April 23 (RHC)-- The United Nations has warned the world’s nuclear states over their failure to make headway on disarmament. "We have a stalling on the path to a nuclear-free world," said Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs at a meeting organized by the International Peace Institute at UN headquarters in the United States on Wednesday. ... More

Tehran, April 23 (RHC)-- Iran will ask for “clarification” from U.S. negotiators with regard to “contradictory expressions” about the removal of sanctions imposed on Tehran over its nuclear program, says an Iranian high-ranking official. ... More

Tokyo, April 23 (RHC)-- Authorities in Japan are investigating the appearance of a drone containing possible radioactive material on the roof of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s office. Radioactive cesium was detected in the area after the drone was found carrying a bottle of liquid bearing the symbol for radioactivity.... More

Miami, April 23 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has called on Republicans to take action on climate change, saying it is not a problem for another generation. In a speech delivered in the U.S. state of Florida, Obama said: “This is not a problem for another generation. Not anymore. This is a problem now. It has serious implications for the way we live right now.” ... More

Brussels, April 23 (RHC) – On the second leg of a European tour, Cuba's foreign minister was in Brussels Wednesday to meet with his European Union counterpart, Federica Mogherini. ... More
