Lima, June 25 (Andina-RHC) -- Peru’s President Ollanta Humala has said his administration is committed to supporting agricultural farmers through policies aimed at expanding the acreage of land under irrigation to 45,000 hectares.... More

London, June 25 (RHC)-- In London, anti-austerity protesters are vowing to stage more demonstrations after an estimated 50,000 people marched this past weekend. ... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) -– Cuban President Raul Castro met Tuesday afternoon with Dr. Denzil Lewellyn Douglas, Prime Minister and Minister of Finances, Sustainable Development, Development of Human Resources, Empowerment and Social Security of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, who is on an official visit to Cuba.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) -- Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa is heading the Cuban delegation to the 23rd Summit of the African Union, taking place June 26th and 27th in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. ... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) – Denzil Llewellyn Douglas, Prime Minister of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, said in Havana that he admired Cuba’s achievements and pledged to strengthen relations between the two countries.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) –- Saint Kitts and Nevis has established its own diplomatic mission in Havana this Wednesday as part of activities by Prime Minister Denzil Douglas, who is paying a three-day visit to Cuba.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) -– The prestigious British scientific magazine The Lancet Neurology published in its June edition the results of Cuban research works referred to ataxia, a hereditary disease that concentrates the largest amount of Cuban patients in eastern Holguin province... More

Tehran, June 25 (RHC) –- Cuba's First Deputy Foreign Minister Marcelino Medina met on Wednesday in Tehran with local government authorities as part of a working visit aimed at strengthening bilateral relations with the Persian nation, according to diplomatic sources. ... More

Baghdad, June 24 (RHC) – Iraqi army warplanes have pounded several areas in the strategic oil town of Baiji, killing over a dozen Islamist militants and injuring several others.... More

Bogota, June 24 (PL-RHC), -- The National Liberation Army (ELN) has asserted that it is open to learning from the peace process between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) and that is willing to add new aspects.... More

Moscow, June 24 (RHC) – Russian President Vladimir Putin says he has scrapped plans to send troops into Ukraine, in a move seen to de-escalate the ongoing crisis in the region.... More

Abuja, June 24 (RHC) – Boko Haram militants in Nigeria have reportedly abducted 91 people during recent attacks against three villages in the northeastern regions of the country.... More

Rio de Janeiro, June 23 (Xinhua-RHC), -- Brazil's new set of Internet regulations came into effect on Monday in a bid to tighten security after the espionage scandal exposed by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.... More

Washington, June 24 (RHC) – US journalist Glenn Greenwald says he will soon disclose new documents revealing which kinds of citizens are targeted by Washington’s spying activities.... More

Sports News Roundup June 24

The Cuban Osleni Guerrero, first national racket, reached the title in the singles category at the III Tournament Open of Venezuela-2014 which brought together 120 players from 14 countries, by defeating Brazilian Daniel Paiola, official sources said in Caracas.... More
