New York, February 11 (RHC)-- A top American Jewish leader says the growing international campaign to boycott Israel over illegal settlements is one of Tel Aviv's greatest challenges. ... More

Tokyo, February 11 (RHC)-- The number of sexual assaults by U.S. military personnel in Japan is on the rise, as many offending soldiers receive either no or very light punishments.... More

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- U.S. Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy and Republican Senator Jeff Flake have urged Washington to lift its over-50-year economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba.... More

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- The Cuban government will consider the invitation made by the European Union to negotiate an agreement, according to a note published on the Foreign Ministry’s Web site. A statement signed by Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra says Havana will consider it in a “respectful and constructive way.” ... More

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- More than 2,700 delegates and guests from 42 countries are attending University 2004 here in Havana.... More

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- Ukrainian scientists and executives have expressed their interest in Cuban cancer medications produced by the Havana-based Labiofam pharmaceutical company.... More

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- University authorities from Cuba and Spain further debated on Monday current cooperative relations with a view to further expanding such links.... More

Bangui, February 10 (RHC)-- At least ten people have been killed in the unrelenting violence and looting in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), according to reports from Africa.... More

Kabul, February 10 (RHC)-- At least seven Afghan National Army soldiers have been killed by an improvised explosive device explosion in the country's troubled west, officials say.... More

Cairo, February 10 (RHC)-- The Egyptian army has demolished seven tunnels under the border with the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to an Israeli blockade for over six years. ... More

London, February 10 (RHC)-- Britain is bracing itself for worst storm in a quarter of a century, with strong gales and enormous waves set to batter the country's coastlines. According to meteorologists, the so-called Mega Storm Charlie would likely be hitting the country more intensely than the Great Storm of 1987. ... More

Washington, February 10 (RHC)-- A prison in Nevada County in the United States is moving ahead with a rare plan to charge inmates for food and medical care, despite opposition from human rights activists who call the move as a “cruel” punishment.... More

Seoul, February 10 (RHC)-- The United States and South Korea will hold their joint military exercises despite harsh criticism from North Korea which has described them as a rehearsal for invasion and a prelude to war.... More

Tokyo, February 10 (RHC)-- The number of sexual assaults by U.S. military personnel in Japan is on the rise, as many offending soldiers receive either no or very light punishments. ... More

Brussels, February 10 (RHC)-- The European Union's Council of Foreign Ministers gave the green light on Monday to negotiate an accord for political dialog with Cuba. The European ministers adopted the decision for talks with Havana as a non-debate point on their meeting's agenda, according to diplomatic sources.... More
