Kiev, Apr 3 (PL- RHC), -- Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Vladimir Ogryzko, added an element of tension to the environment of contradictions between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by insisting that the West should opt for Ukraine with nuclear weapons or within the military alliance. ... More

Quito, April 3 (RHC-PL) -- Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño announced that the committee of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) will travel back to Venezuela next week to keep trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in the South American country.... More

Brasilia, April 3 (RHC-NNN), -- Brazil's Ministry of Defense Wednesday began installing a secure digital communication network for federal government offices, a government source said.... More

Caracas, April 3 (RHC-Xinhua), -- Venezuelan authorities have arrested 18 suspects believed to be behind the recent wave of violent actions in the South American country, an official said on Wednesday.... More

MOSCOW, April 3 (RHC), -- Russia expected NATO to explain how the bloc's recent military build-up corresponded with existing bilateral agreements, the government said Thursday.... More

New Delhi, April 3 (RHC) -- Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has reportedly advocated for a "no first use" of nuclear weapons in a bid to cut down the nuclear dangers which may also pave the way for the elimination of atomic weapons.... More

Moscow, April 3 (RHC) – On Thursday, Russia cancelled zero export tax for natural gas it supplies for Ukraine. "I made a decision to cancel the government's decree No. 291 of April 30, 2010, taking into account that the (Russia-Ukraine) agreement has also been terminated," Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told Alexei Miller, CEO of the gas company Gazprom, during a meeting.... More

México, 3 abr (Xinhua) -- El premio Nobel de Literatura 1982, el colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, fue hospitalizado esta madrugada en la capital mexicana, informó la Secretaría (ministerio) de Salud, que no precisó las causas del internamiento.... More

Sport News Roundup April 3

Supported by an offensive of 13 hits, Yosvani Torres, the most successful pitcher of the Season, improved from a shaky start to carry Pinar del Rio to win 7-4 over Industriales in the 5th game of the semifinal of 53rd National Baseball Championship.... More

Havana, April 3 (RHC) -- The U.S. created a text-message social network designed to foment political dissent and unrest in Cuba, according to an investigation by the Associated Press news agency.... More

Cuba and Yucatan Boost Relations

Cancun, April 3 (RHC)-- A bilateral commercial forum between Yucatan and Cuba has just concluded in Mexico with the participation of 35 Cuban business people. The aim is to strengthen bilateral cooperation and working relations in the economic, commercial, tourist and cultural sectors.... More

Roma, 3 abr (PL) La diputada cubana Mariela Castro afirmó aquí que el bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos a su país constituye una violación de los derechos humanos, durante un conversatorio con miembros de la Cámara de Diputados de Italia. ... More

Havana, April 3 (RHC)-- A new hydraulic connections line has become operational in CIEGOPLAST company, in Ciego de Ávila province, that will help prevent water leaks, ensuring supply to major cites, and saving money.... More

Cuban Diabetics Living Longer

CIEGO DE AVILA, Cuba, Apr 3 (RHC) 84% of people suffering from diabetes mellitus in Cuba reaches a life expectancy similar to those without the disease, which is today 78 years old.... More

HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 3 (ACN) A Greek Film Festival will be held for the first time in Cuba, starting from April 4 at Havana's La Rampa movie theater.... More
