Cairo, January 25 (RHC)-- At least ten people have been killed across Egypt as security forces attacked supporters of ousted president, Mohamed Morsi. ... More

Nairobi, January 25 (RHC)-- South Sudan rivals have signed a ceasefire agreement after five weeks of violence that killed thousands of people and displaced more than half a million. ... More

New Delhi, January 25 (RHC)-- India’s Supreme Court has ordered a probe after the gang rape of a woman in eastern West Bengal state. ... More

Washington, January 25 (RHC)-- U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, the key architect of unilateral sanctions against Iran and supporter of Washington's blockade against Cuba, is under criminal investigation for his connection with two Florida businessmen who are fugitives from Ecuador.... More

Washington, January 25 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has launched a new task force to combat sexual assault on college campuses. ... More

Santiago de Chile, January 25 (RHC) -- Chile's president-elect Michelle Bachelet appointed 23 ministers on Friday, two weeks after she was officially declared the winner in recent presidential elections.... More

Bogota, January 25 (RHC) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who is seeking re-election, is leading the presidential race ahead of the country's May 25th election, according to the latest poll.... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)--Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez has arrived in Havana to attend the upcoming 2nd Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States. ... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez has inaugurated the Press Room that will serve media reporting on the Second Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Logistical and organizational details are being finalized here in Havana to guarantee the success of the upcoming 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Hubert Mendez, Costa Rica's ambassador to Cuba, says that the 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), will confirm the region's decision to make progress in its process of integration.... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)--Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez has arrived in Havana to attend the upcoming 2nd Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States. ... More

Havana, January 25 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez has inaugurated the Press Room that will serve media reporting on the Second Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). ... More

2012 National Fine Arts Award winner, Cuban painter Ever Fonseca and his band are set to be on a tour of the island to let audiences know about his poetic and musical skills.... More

Villa Clara beat Santiago de Cuba by a score of 5-4 and Matanzas succumbed 16-0 to Industriales in 5 innings before sealing the tie at the top among the current monarch and runner-up of the 53rd Cuban Baseball Series. ... More
