Tens of thousands of Haitians leave their country, instigated by misery, destructive natural phenomena, gang violence, organized crime and political instability
By Guillermo Alvarado
Tens of thousands of Haitians leave their country, instigated by misery, destructive natural phenomena, gang violence, organized crime and political instability, with the dream of finding a place where they can make a life as close to normal as possible.
They travel with their poverty, accompanied by their families, with children of all ages and sometimes with elderly and sick people, but the need is always greater than the dangers or, in any case, they are just as likely to lose on the journey as they are to stay at home.
Many were victims of the illusion that a change of government in the United States would bring with it more flexibility in the treatment of migrants, as today's President Joe Biden artfully offered in his campaign to win the White House.
The disillusionment has not dissuaded them and they persist in a hard and very risky journey, which is already showing signs of alarm.
This is what those in charge of shelters in the capital of Mexico report, which are saturated by a double wave of Haitians, one coming from the north, those rejected and expelled in the last few weeks, and another coming from the south, from unusually distant places, such as Brazil or Chile.
As will be recalled, the U.S. government decided to dissolve the camp located under the border bridge between Del Rio and Ciudad Acuna, which had 15,000 people, most of them originally from Haiti.
There were scenes that showed once again the main economic power of the planet as an intolerant nation, full of hatred and contempt towards the poor and abandoned and, although there was a change of nuance, we never heard its president apologize for the excesses committed.
Many of the Haitians avoided immediate deportation by interning themselves in Mexico and are the ones feeding the wave from the north to the capital, where they hope to document themselves, hopefully find some work to recover funds and try again when the opportunity arises.
They are joined by those who come from the south on a very long journey, full of hardships and vicissitudes that will provide material for other works and who have the same purpose, to cross the more than three thousand kilometers of the Mexican-US border at some point and reach "paradise".
Contrary to what some Mexican authorities think, they will not make a short stay because their plans do not include returning to their country.
They are the children of misery, the disinherited of everything, even of hope, those who have nothing more to lose, night butterflies attracted by a light that will end up burning their wings and dreams.governor.