A heinous crime

Eldonita de Catherin López
2024-08-12 15:43:10


The main difference between Zionism and the German Nazism of the Second World War is that the latter committed its crimes in relative silence and the truth became known only after the war, while Tel Aviv does it openly


by Guillermo Alvarado

Over the weekend, Zionist Israel once again showed its contempt for the most elementary norms of coexistence between peoples and nations when it bombed a school in the Gaza Strip where Palestinian refugees were sheltering, killing at least 100 of them.

It was not a mistaken attack, a miscalculation or a bad decision, but a coldly calculated military operation to inflict more terror, if that is still possible, on tens of thousands of people who are barely surviving the visceral hatred of the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

In a communiqué, the Israeli forces boast of killing 16 Hamas fighters, but say absolutely nothing about the civilians killed, many of them young children and women.

It is true that there have been some statements from governments in the European Union, Latin America and even the United States condemning the action, but if there is one thing Netanyahu is sure of, it is that absolutely nothing else will happen.

The UN, as usual, confines itself to deploring the crime without taking a decisive step such as expelling Israel from its midst.

The crudest display of cynicism came from Washington, which said in an official statement that the bombing showed the need to put an end to the war, without mentioning at all that they are the main suppliers of Tel Aviv to maintain its terrorist operations in Gaza.

It is also noticeable how many governments of our region, which are tearing their clothes after the results of the elections in Venezuela and violently insulting President Nicolas Maduro, maintain cordial relations with the genocidal Netanyahu.

As far as we know, none of those who attack the Bolivarian Revolution and call for the severing of relations with this brotherly people have taken firm decisions to punish the crimes against humanity committed in the Strip.

 It is true that some have issued statements, but as our elders used to say, paper has everything, while facts remain absent.

Aware of its immunity, the fascist regime of Israel ordered new evacuations in the area of Khan Younis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, which is a prelude to new bombings in this area already saturated with shrapnel.

The main difference between Zionism and the German Nazism of the Second World War is that the latter committed its crimes in relative silence and the truth became known only after the war, while Tel Aviv does it openly, with the certainty that it will never be judged.  


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