On the edge of the abyss

Eldonita de Catherin López
2024-09-28 09:07:02


Zionism began the genocide of the Palestinians practically the day after the creation of Israel, and the UN was unable to stop this outrage

by Guillermo Alvarado

Recent events in the Middle East region point to a large-scale confrontation between the Zionist state of Israel and Lebanon, which would be a disaster for the peoples of that region, where, let us not forget, there are nuclear weapons in Tel Aviv's arsenals.

In the last few hours, voices have been raised calling for calm among the possible contenders, but the great paradox is that many of those calling for moderation are precisely on the side that ignited the fires and contributed to fueling the crisis that is now about to explode.

For example, UN Secretary General António Guterres said that he was worried about the possibility of Lebanon becoming another Gaza, referring to the impending catastrophe in the region.

It is not that the Portuguese politician is directly responsible for these events, but the organization he heads actually is.  For decades it has been blind, deaf and dumb to Israel's blatant theft of Palestinian territory, to the point of turning them into exiles on their own soil.

Zionism began the genocide of the Palestinians practically the day after the creation of Israel, and the UN was unable to stop this outrage.

Even more outrageous is the hypocritical statement by White House spokesman John Kirby, who spoke out against a regional military escalation and admitted that tensions are much higher now than they were a few days ago.

The United States has always relied on increasing tensions in the region with its unlimited military, economic and political support for Tel Aviv and its cover-up of serious humanitarian violations committed against its neighbors; I don't think anyone can remember how many times, at least in the last 60 or 70 years, Washington has used its veto in the Security Council to avoid condemning Israel, which would have done little to curb its piratical behavior.

The European Union, for its part, urged a ceasefire both in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip, expressing "extreme concern" at the risk of a large-scale confrontation; no one is unaware of the enormous influence of Zionist capital on the Old Continent, nor of the subordination of its foreign policy to the US State Department, especially with regard to the Middle East.

It is hardly credible that those who helped to set the region on fire should now come to play the firemen and speak of an imminent catastrophe, when for a long time they gave warmth to the egg of the snake that now prowls at will in these places.


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