Trump, the rabid anti-immigrant

Eldonita de Catherin López
2024-12-23 11:03:27


Trump, the rabid anti-immigrant

By Guillermo Alvarado

There is probably no president in the United States who shows as much hatred towards immigrants as Donald Trump, a Republican who, curiously enough, is the son of a Scottish woman and the grandson of a German who arrived in the middle of the gold rush to seek his fortune in this North American country.

Moreover, his current wife, Melania, was born in Slovenia and became a U.S. citizen only a year after her marriage to the tycoon.

His previous wife, Ivania, was born in Czechoslovakia and first married an Austrian in order to obtain a foreign passport that would allow her to travel to the United States.

Wherever he is seen, he is thus intimately linked to the phenomenon of migration, and yet the central axis of his discourse turns out to be the deportation of those who, like his ancestors, arrived there with the purpose of improving their lives.

In this line, he affirms that on his first day in office, that is, on January 20, he will adopt measures to seal the border with Mexico and implement a plan to carry out the largest mass expulsion of migrants in history.

He is even willing to violate the laws of his country to carry out these actions, since in his most recent statements he assured that he would use the army to carry out the detention and deportation of those who have not regularized their documentation.

He forgets or ignores the existence of a rule prohibiting the use of the armed forces to enforce a national law.

He also ignores the opinions of experts who say that eliminating the enormous cheap labor represented by undocumented immigrants would be like shooting the economy in the heart, especially in sectors such as agriculture.

In addition to his pathological hatred of migrants, which only a good psychiatrist could discover where it comes from, the president-elect of this military and economic power displays an extraordinary cynicism.

Asked about the criticism of the brutal separation of families during his first term, in which children were ripped from their mothers' arms, he said he would now do it more humanely: he would take the whole family out so that no one suffers.  No comment.

Dark times are coming, times of great uncertainty, and it is convenient to be prepared, not for the bad, but for the worst.


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