Global Day of Protest Saturday, January 25th

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2020-01-06 23:29:39


Global Day of Protest
Saturday, January 25th

No War on Iran!

The Trump administration is dragging the United States into a war with Iran that could engulf the whole region and could quickly turn into a global conflict of unpredictable scope and the gravest consequences.

The people of the world need to rise up and stop it!  For all who believe in peace, for all who are opposed to yet another catastrophic war, now is the time to take action.  

On Saturday, January 25th, in cities across the globe, there will be protests against a new war in the Middle East.  Please join us! 

Initial sponsors of this call to action: 

ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK, Popular Resistance, Black Alliance for Peace, National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), Veterans For Peace, US Labor Against the War (USLAW), Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), United National Anti-War Committee, Pastors for Peace/Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, International Action Center, United For Peace and Justice, Alliance For Global Justice (AFGJ), December 12th Movement, World Beyond War, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Dominican Sisters/ICAN, Nonviolence International, Food Not Bombs and many other anti-war and peace organizations.


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