Granma entrepreneurs help in Pilon.
By: Carmen Vázquez García, Correspondent of Radio Habana Cuba in Granma.
The ringing of her phone changed the routine of that Sunday afternoon, November 10, when she was playing in the doorway with her grandson.
The voice behind the call told her that it was necessary for the helping hands of the "Help to grow and you will grow" project to come together to help several people affected by the earthquakes in the coastal town of Pilón, located in the south of the Cuban province of Granma.
Psychologist Diana Iglesias Aguilar, who is part of this group created by entrepreneurs from this area in the eastern part of the country, was ready in half an hour, and with her backpack on her shoulder, she left to offer her hands and her heart to accompany those who are going through hard times, to bring hope.
Diana Iglesias says that many people have joined to build up this area that has been shaken by nature, and although the days are endless, the love and dedication is moving.
In Pilón, there are many hands that have joined together to rebuild an area that has been shaken to its foundations, there are many people who go there to continue to sow hope.