Argentina Chapter of Network in Defense of Humanity calls on world people to reject Washington’s Cuba policy

Eldonita de Lena Valverde Jordi
2021-07-27 12:16:28


Havana, July 26 (RHC)— The Argentina Chapter of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity has called on world peoples to reject the US blockade imposed and maintained by consecutive US administrations against Cuba over nearly 60 years.

The organization calls on goodwill people the world over to join forces and raise their voice to denounce Washington’s latest maneuvers to further tighten the blockade policy and destabilize the Caribbean island state.

The Argentina Chapter of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity blasted the slander and misinformation campaign in the mainstream and social media, aimed at demonizing Cuba to try to justify an eventual military invasion in a flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter.

In their statement, the Argentinian personalities stressed that the United States has neither the legal nor the moral authority to criticize Cuba, much less maintain an economic siege against the Caribbean island state, against the will of the vast majority of Americans, who favor normal US-Cuba ties, and the international community represented at the United Nations, which year after year urges the US government to correct this wrong by lifting the cruel, inhumane blockade that has caused hardship and human suffering to ordinary Cubans.

'The blockade has been ruthlessly tightened amidst Covid-19 with more than 240 coercive, unilateral measures that seek to strangle the Cuban economy. These include the suspension of family remittances by Cuban-Americans to their relatives in Cuba, which has caused further shortages of food and medicine on the island,’ the text said.

The Network described as cynical the US government allegation that they want to ‘help’ the Cuban people and its call for a ‘humanitarian intervention’ on the island, blaming Cuban authorities for current shortages of basic food and medicines. They charge that the current situation in Cuba is a direct result of Washington’s 60-year-old economic siege and urged to defend Cuba and spread the truth about Cuba’s reality.

They blasted particularly Washington’s use of Information and Communications Technology to attack Cuba and fabricate and spread lies about Cuban reality to manipulate and deceive public opinion in Cuba and around the world.


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