Aleida Guevara presents compilation by her father

Eldonita de Lena Valverde Jordi
2023-06-13 16:44:09


Havana, June 13 (RHC)-- Cuban intellectual Aleida Guevara March –daughter of Argentinean-Cuban Guerrilla Commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna ‘Che’-- presented in Havana a compilation of speeches, statements and other written works by his father on medicine.

Entitled ‘Ernesto Che Guevara y la Medicina’, the text by Ocean Sur publishing house was presented in the framework of activities on the 95th birthday anniversary of the legendary guerrilla commander –to be officially celebrated on June 14th.

The compiled materials include notes taken by Che Guevara on his work as a combat medic with the Cuban guerrilla army on the Sierra Maestra Mountains, also treating and caring for every captured wounded enemy.

The compilation by Aleida Guevara was presented last May in Colombia, in the framework of the International Book Fair in Bogotá.

A pediatrician at Havana’s William Soler Hospital, Aleida Guevara is one of the more than 600 thousand Cuban health professionals, who have fulfilled missions abroad. She has offered her services in Angola, Ecuador, Mexico and Nicaragua.

Also a writer and researcher, she collaborates with her mother Aleida March, at the Havana-based Che Guevara Studies Center.

Ocean Sur publishing house has released some 30 titles as tribute to Ernesto Guevara de la Serna ‘Che’, to honor his life and his indelible legacy.




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