Mayabeque loses undefeated status; Ciego de Avila leads in Cuban baseball

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2022-02-02 06:51:25


Mayabeque loses undefeated status; Ciego de Avila leads in Cuban baseball

Havana, February 2 (RHC/PL)-- Mayabeque's unbeaten streak came to an end on Tuesday against Ciego de Avila, which took advantage of a 3-14 victory to take the lead in the 61st National Baseball Series in Cuba.

The Hurricanes could do little on their home territory, the Nelson Fernandez Stadium, against a Tigres thirsty for victories and capable of firing 15 hits to get the knockout and stop the four wins in a row of the locals.

The winners were on fire and six of their players played a multi-hit duel: Yorbis Borroto (4-2, 2CA), Raúl González (5-, 2CI, 1CA, 1HR), Osvaldo Vázquez (4-2, 1CA), Yudiel González (3-2, 2CI, 1CA), Abdel Civil (4-2, 2CI, 1CA) and Alfredo Fadraga (4-2, 2CI, 3CA).

The victory went to right-handed pitcher Dachel Duquesne (2-0), who pitched seven complete innings, with three runs allowed, an equal number of hits, one strikeout and two tickets, one of them intentional. Maylon Cruz (1-1) came out of the bullpen this time.

Likewise, Industriales beat Holguín 8-1, Guantánamo surprised Pinar del Río 7-2, Artemisa defeated Santiago de Cuba 11-9 and Isla de la Juventud blanked Granma, the reigning champion, 6-0.

The beginning of the third private sub-series also saw positive performances by Matanzas, Cienfuegos and Villa Clara over Sancti Spíritus (8-0), Camagüey (11-6) and Las Tunas (6-3), in that order.

After these results, Ciego de Avila (5-1) leads the standings, ahead of Mayabeque (4-1), Matanzas (5-2), Santiago (4-2), Villa Clara (3-2), Artemisa (3-2), Industriales (3-2) and Granma (3-2) in the eight places that will give access to the post-season of the tournament.


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