Agricultores swept Centrales in Elite League of Cuban Baseball

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2022-11-18 09:56:44


Agricultores celebrates victory

Havana, November 18 (JIT) - The leader Agricultores swept Centrales during the eighth particular sub-series of the First Elite League of Cuban Baseball.

The disciples of Cuban mentor Carlos Marti were losing 2x4 in the bottom of the seventh inning, but they broke loose and scored five runs to decide the game.

Outstanding at bat were Iván Prieto and Andrés de la Cruz, both with doubles, and Yunieski Larduet, 4-2 with a pair of towers.

Meanwhile, Portuarios won its first sub-series (2-1) of the championship by beating Ganaderos in a 13x11 game.

Oscar Valdés hit 3-3 with a double and three runs.

Finally, Tabacaleros defeated Cafetaleros 9x6.

After these results, Agricultores leads Agricultores (14-6), ahead of Ganaderos (11-9), Centrales (11-10), Tabacaleros (10-11), Cafetaleros (9-10) and Portuarios (6-15).


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