Iranian Foreign Ministry Says New Sanctions Would End Talks

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2014-01-08 16:01:43

Tehran, January 8 (RHC)-- Iran has warned against imposition of new sanctions, saying fresh U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Republic will destroy the Geneva nuclear talks and the ensuing deal. Iran Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Marzieh Afkham, said: “Approval of any new sanctions will be tantamount to terminating the ongoing talks.”


Reacting to a sanctions bill pushed by U.S. congressional representatives to slap new sanctions on Iran which would require further reduction in Iran’s oil exports, she said that the deal with Tehran would be 'dead-on-arrival.'


Iran is in talks with six world powers -- the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany -- regarding its nuclear program. In November, they reached a breakthrough interim deal for the resolution of standoff on Iran’s nuclear activities.


Under the deal reached in Geneva, the six countries undertook to provide Iran with some sanctions relief in exchange for Iran agreeing to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities during a six-month period. It was also agreed that no nuclear-related sanctions would be imposed on Iran within the same time-frame.


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