Secretary General of Association of Caribbean States Calls for Unity in New World Scenario

Eldonita de Lena Valverde Jordi
2017-03-10 15:07:27


Havana, March 10 (RHC)-- Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) June Soomer called on regional nations to forge unity as the best way to confront changes and challenges in the new world scenario.

Soomer, a diplomat from Saint Lucia, addressed the 22nd meeting of the ACS' Council of Ministers in Havana, Friday. The meeting is being attended by official delegations from the 25 members, 8 associate members, as well as from 24 observer countries and international organizations that can contribute to Caribbean development.

She pointed to everything the ACS members have achieved over the past 22 years since the organization was founded. She mentioned the common stance of Caribbean nations at regional and international level against Washington's isolationist policy toward Cuba.

She mentioned also regional strategies agreed upon at ACS meetings in our countries' common fight against drug-trafficking, smuggling in weapons, climate change, natural disasters and the fight against both communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The ACS secretary general said that united Caribbean nations are stronger and more capable of repositioning themselves in a new world scenario, marked by confrontation between the wealthy North and the impoverished South.

Soomer thanked member states for her ratification as the organization's secretary general and pledged to work towards making ACS members visible on the international arena.



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