Venezuela condemns Trump for encouraging military coup against Maduro

Eldonita de Pavel Jacomino
2018-09-27 15:41:47

US President Donald Trump attends the United Nations Security Council briefing on counterproliferation at the United Nations in New York on the second day of th

United Nations, September 27 (RHC)-- Venezuela has denounced U.S. President Donald Trump over his “warmongering and interventionist” remarks which it says promote a "military uprising" against President Nicolas Maduro. 

"Venezuela expresses its strongest rejection of the warmongering and interventionist statements issued by the president of the United States ... aimed at promoting a military uprising in the country," Venezuela’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. 

Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Trump said the government in Venezuela, “could be toppled very quickly by the military, if the military decides to do that.” 


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