U.S. appeals court upholds Trump gag rule on abortion referrals

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2020-02-26 00:05:08


San Francisco, February 26 (RHC)-- In the U.S. city of San Francisco, a federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Trump administration ban on letting family planning clinics refer patients for abortions by depriving these clinics of federal funds.  The decision on the so-called gag rule lifts injunctions granted by three lower courts. 

Planned Parenthood said: “The gag rule puts up egregious barriers for people with low incomes to get birth control and preventive care like STI testing, education, and cancer screenings.  Before being forced out of Title X, Planned Parenthood served 40% of patients in the program.”  Planned Parenthood left Title X last year, rather than complying with the Trump rule.


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