Bolivian government and victims of massacres reach agreement

Eldonita de Ed Newman
2021-12-07 09:58:04


In this way, the representatives of the victims' associations suspend the hunger strike they had announced last week. | Photo: ABI

La Paz, December 7 (RHC)-- The Association of Victims of the Senkata and Sacaba massacres and the Bolivian government have reached an agreement that includes the creation of a trust fund, as well as regular meetings in order to make progress towards reparations.  The agreement establishes that the parties will meet every month to evaluate the advances in terms of justice for the victims of the massacres, which were perpetrated during the de facto government presided by Jeanine Áñez.

Likewise, the victims and the national government agreed to advance in a global plan of psychological and economic reparation, which will help the victims to participate in the productive economy of the country.

In the economic area, Justice Minister Iván Lima announced that a trust fund of 8 million Bolivian pesos (approximately US$ 1,159,689) will be created as part of the reparation.

Lima stated that in order to know the truth from the victims' point of view, they will work together with the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, "we are going to work together to achieve that all these issues that have been pending, have in the Law the regulatory framework of the census and all the integral reparation that is required in the country for the victims", he said.

In this way, the representatives of the victims' associations suspended the hunger strike they had announced last week, at the time they denounced that there had been no progress with the democratic authorities.

It should be recalled that after the consummation of the coup d'état against Evo Morales, the de facto government repressed demonstrations demanding the reestablishment of the Constitution, which resulted in the massacres of Sacaba (located in La Paz) and Senkata (in El Alto) where twenty people died and almost 200 were injured.




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